As An ExJW or Fader What Do You Believe In?

by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Flat earthers still exist and say the earth is flat. There was debate on the roundness vs. flatness ideas until the Greeks wrote more of the sphere of the earth. Before that there were those that didn’t believe the earth was round.

    Regarding my “agenda ruining the forum”, what are you talking about? My motives are being questioned by you? Say what’s in your mind and by the way, what does this have to do with my thread??

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    I believe Jesus rose from the dead. It seems to be the best answer to account for the events around 30 AD that has reshaped the world.

    With few exceptions, I have near zero faith in others.

    I have substantially more faith in myself, especially compared to others....but even this is not enough for me.

    Considering the alternatives, faith in Jesus is refreshing - "I am the Truth".

  • waton

    There is a really big reality outside of us, and energy being uncreated, eternal, it is impossible that it all created itself.

    the father of it all, seems to take delight having his offspring discover for themselves how he/she did it. so, doing original work would please him. also

    copying his works, like being a good provider, mother fits the bill. using the time available to me well, pleasing me, others, , would please him.

    The universe I find so beautiful, really does not look like the way I see it in my mind / brain, so, your and my experience are unique, it is our experience. enJoy it!

  • OnTheWayOut

    You ask what I believe in, so despite your declaring from your soapbox that science is not impartial, I believe that we have to look to science for answers. Sure there are problems with money and politics and religion getting in the way, but in the long run, science leads the way. So everyone has to look for themselves.

    This is what I believe:

    Evolution is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The Human Genome Project and other science has clearly demonstrated that all humans are related and come from the same origins. The start of life has not been proven yet to the satisfaction of many, but if we put aside the ingrained religiousity of the masses, we can see that science is attempting to answer the questions we have and the gods of man are getting less and less important.

    Science has debunked the Bible and all other stories of magic on Earth to my satisfaction. The study of archeology has certainly demonstrated that the stories of the Exodus in the Old Testament are just stories and not history. There is some actual history mixed in to the stories, but there is also some actual history in modern fiction writings that place their characters in the real world. I believe that Gospel writers (including the ones beyond Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) never expected their stories to be taken as absolutely literal. Of course that is not proven, but people who do believe in the magic of the Gospels laugh at the magic of other stories outside of that.

    I believe all the gods were invented by men. Even solid believers agree with me with their "one exception."

    I believe in the not-so-mystical karma of humanity. If you are positive, you can draw positive people to you and see the positive and good in life. If you are negative, you draw negativity and see more of the negative. But I also believe you cannot live your life ignoring the other side of that.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I believe all the gods were invented by men. Even solid believers agree with me with their "one exception." ~ OntheWayOut

    Dear Believer:

  • Vidiot

    I actually try not to "believe" in things. Too embarrassing if it turns out to be wrong.

    I prefer to stick to reason, logic, and practicality (not that I always succeed ).

  • Vidiot

    Now, ironically, ask me what my all-time favorite song is (hint: Journey).

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I accept science. You kinda have to, don't you? lol

    I have some belief in myself to try and look at things critically. I also believe that doing one's best and being the best version of oneself is desirable and worthwhile. Of course, it's easier to say this than do it!

    Some myths, including even religious myths, can have some value, even if they're not literally correct or real.

    I obviously don't believe in organised religion at all.

  • minimus

    Or as the singer BJ Thomas sang…I Just Can’t Help Believing….

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I Just Can’t Help Believing - it seems that we humans need to have cultural norms otherwise the world is confusing and depressing.

    Nihilists tend to be depressed.

    But this doesn't mean that religion or belief in God is necessary.

    I've just watched a fascinating conversation between Jordan Peterson and Stephen Fry. Well worth watching if you have the time.

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