When is it time to put down a pet?

by Mindchild 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    I'm rather sad today. I've been putting off taking my old dog (14 years old) to the vet because I knew the news wasn't going to be good. It was even worse than I thought though. She has lot most of her sight due to cateracts and will be blind within a year and on top of this she has a hip problem that will get worse and she won't be able to walk in a few months. There isn't much the vet can do except give her some meds to ease the pain and inflamation, but the end result is that she will be blind and unable to walk in the next year.

    Maybe it seems obvious to someone not so emotionally attached to their pet as I am, as to when to put an old friend down. I don't know if I should just let nature take its course and let her go to the point where she can't see and walk (she already has a difficult time walking more than a few minutes, and often falls down) or if I should put her down before she has to get to the point where she can't be pain free. The vet says the drugs will keep her relatively pain free until she can't walk at all. Nothing can be done for keeping her from going blind.

    Well, I have to decide what to do by next week as I'm to meet with the Vet again and work out a treatment program for her. I can choose between a minimal approach and just give her pain meds or go the maximum route to try to keep her walking as long as possible with more drugs. I'm too upset now to make a decision about this and was hoping someone could give me some insight of how they made their tough choices with pets before.

    Love sucks sometimes.


  • neverthere

    I used to work for a vet. I hate to say it, but if you put the pet on meds it will only be a matter of time before the pet is in more pain and needs more meds, etc on goes the cycle. I have always followed the rule that a pet should not be kept for the sake of the owner. It is cruel to the animal. From what you have said, I would put the dog down were it mine. I know how hard it is, trust me, but it is better than watching the pet suffer.

    Good luck to you, let us know,


  • frenchbabyface

    (((Mindchild))) well I get very attached myself to pets ...

  • JH
    The vet says the drugs will keep her relatively pain free until she can't walk at all.

    Listen to the vet and enjoy your last months with your pet. Give the medication a chance to work. You'll see then if it is working.

    I wouldn't put the pet to sleep now.

    A time will come where you won't hesitate, and you'll decide in a fraction of a second that it's the time. You'll know for sure when that time comes.

  • joannadandy

    Mindchild--I feel your pain, I really do!

    Last year (september actually) I had to take my best friend to the vet to put her to sleep. She lost a lot of weight, couldn't walk, and infact the night before her appointment she lost all bladder control.

    It was the worst feeling in the world, but I knew she was in pain, and prolonging her life would just be to my advantage not hers. It was time for us to say goodbye. God it was a horrible day--and I felt so awful. She was purring in my arms up until the very last moment, and I like to think she knew I loved her, and was only doing it for her own good. *cripes bawling again now!* lol!

    It's never easy--but I am not a huge fan of medicating a problem that will not go away and is symptomatic of just old age and the body trying to shut down.

    It's very peaceful and humane, and in my opinion the best way for the pet to go. And that's who it should be about. It's hard tho. Those little critters become such great friends and companions. It's SO hard to say goodbye.

  • shamus

    Ugh. I am so sorry that you are faced with this choice... what an awesome looking doggie! Just what a dog should look like!

    I had to take my parents and my dog down to the vet to do the deed... we waited too long. He was in rough shape, and was literally dying before our eyes. It was horrible. That wednesday could not come quick enough...

    Look, if the pup is having troubles just walking, do it. It's humane, it's quick, it's painless. I know exacly what you are going through right now... when I left the vets office I was sobbing. What a horrible thing to have happen.

    I still miss bear, but it was the best thing for him.

    I don't envy your choice now... but make a decision and stick to it. Use your brain over emotion. Only you can decide... detach your emotion and make the decision. It's your call, not mine to make. Also, talk to your vet about what you should do... I hope that he / she is not the type that is looking for big $$$ for treatment, and decides to go that route just for the bucks!

    Again, I am so sorry to hear about your pet. Sounds silly to non-pet lovers, but you mourn just as much as a good friend passing.

    Feel free to PM me if you want... anytime. I'm not saying that you're going to be an emotional wreck and have to take a month off work, but your life will be pretty blue for months...

  • Mulan

    We have had to have 2 cats put to sleep. The first had a bad kidney disease, but the vet said she wasn't in any pain and we should just wait and she would let us know when. She did. She just sat and rarely moved anymore. She was 12 I think.

    The other cat was 17 when we had her put down. She was constantly throwing up and losing control of both elimination functions. The vet said it was just old age, but she cried all the time, so we took mercy on her.

    As for your dog, I think her being blind is the worst thing you will face. Hips are bad too, and seems to be a plague among dogs. If she doesn't have to use stairs she might be all right, but if it were my dog, I would give her some great days, and put her down when I felt I could handle the loss, but soon.

    I feel for you. Pets are like our kids almost. We have had ours while raising the kids. Only one dog left, and she is old and failing.

  • outnfree

    Awwww, (((((Skipper))))))),

    this is so hard. I faced the same kind of decision in June of 2002. Actually, my 12 yr. old Golden Retriever had been having difficulty negotiating steps for some time. We began letting her out the front door (invisible fence) instead of the back, which had more steps. Then, she had trouble even getting down the three steps in front and getting up from her bed. Like you, I spoke to the vet and we put her on some pain medication. But within another month or so, it was clear the meds were not really working for her. Still, we couldn't bear to part with her. My friend, Jann, told me Brandy was "ready to go" and only hanging on for our sake. Finally, I made an appointment to put Brandy down on June 11. But the morning of June 11 came, and I just couldn't bring myself to drive her to the vet's. Well, Brandy was ready to go. Sometime during the night of June 12-13, Brandy's hind legs gave out and she was unable to get up. We had to use a blanket sling and bring her to be put down. It was almost as if she knew I couldn't make the decision on my own and she would have to make it for me. I miss her still...

    Another weeping ex-JW,


  • SheilaM


    Mind: We are going to have to put our Keeshound (12 years old) down. She is in a lot of pain and she has lost complete control of her bladder.

    She has always been such a proud dog she would prance when I would groom her. Now I can't even groom her cause of the pain in her hips etc.

    Do what you think best for your friend.

  • Bendrr

    Aw man! When I scrolled down to read the replies the pic of your dog came into view. She looks so much like a dog my family used to have when I was growing up. What's her breed? Ours was malimut/shephard. When he got older his health was still good but he was becoming ill-tempered and pretty aggressive. We ended up having to put him to sleep. My mom and I cried our eyes out over "Blitz". Dude I know what it's like believe me. Looking into those soulful loving eyes knowing what has to be done.

    Give her a hug for me will you?


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