This new studio is being built because they have to keep up with this cult.
by Mit123 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
SED, thx for the site plan map. It's too small for me to read well, so I went to the nysedraDOTnyDOTgov website and searched. Lots came up but I couldn't find the drawing you provided. Can you give an exact URL? I'd like to zoom in on the plan and see the detail.
Thanks in advance.
I noted the fitness center and sports fields. Seems sports are more than just OK for Bethelites.
So you must have liked that post on Simon's thread! That pic is actually a gif but it wouldn't load here, only as a gpeg. It's a bizarre gif since the character takes her black hat off and the larger yellow one stays on her head---hummmmm.
Thx for the links.
After looking it over, I see there's no dining hall/cafeteria. Evidently all the meals there will be fixed and eaten in individual Bethelites' rooms? I guess "morning worship" will be done electronically from Warwick?
It looks too like they are counting on the younger crowd to man this facility, complete with a soccer field and gym.
Ram - A - Poo
DOUBLE blessings:
Ram - A - Poo -POO