Balaam and the assembly of gods

by peacefulpete 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    heathen.....The article above was to explain that noone outside fundementalist circles believes that "Moses" wrote the book of Numbers. Like all the Pentetuach was completed very late, having gone thru extensive revision and redaction. The poems that include the Balaaam story are recognised as earlier (8th cent.BC) material that was reconstructed into the narrative that we have today. Noone copied anyone in reality, both cultures simply included tales that used the same character. By the way, the stories are not similar enough to suggest plagerism by either author.

  • Makaveli

    Hi Little Toe.

    How's Scotland ?

    Great draw against Holland eh?

    Anyway, back to the post. Pete summed it up by mentioning that book. One point I found was interesting was that clay tablets were found in the region of Canaan where the exodus was meant to have led into. These clay tablets told us that the Israelites could never have escaped captivity from the Eygptians ; simply because that region of Canaan was under Eygptian control anyway. Pharoah and his army would never have had to go after the Israelites, since they would simply have told their armies to seive them upon their arrival.

  • Satanus

    Because you a nice guy, LT

    The bible unearthed by israel finkelstein -

    He sums up his conclusions on years of digs/digging in israel. He is a professor on archeology and stuff like that, at one of the universities in israel.


  • LittleToe

    I actually meant, is there anything on the Net about the "Moabite - Balaam" thing, that Pete quoted.

    But, alright already!!! I'll buy the gawd-damned book!!!!

    I find the whole subject of myths and cultural evolution fascinating.

    Makaveli:Regardiong the draw - we're in a lot of trouble!!!

  • RubaDub

    I recall a show on TV a number of years ago that I believe was based on the story of Baalam and the talking ass.

    It was called Gumby. Gumby played the part of Baalam and Pokey was the talking ass.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • heathen

    Some interesting stuff there . The bible unearthed looks like a good read .

    If I remember correctly here the Israelites were lost in the desert for 40yrs and when they finally found canaan they fought and the Israelites prevailed in the conquest .

  • peacefulpete

    The transcript of the Balaam story is found in , "Old Testament Parallels, Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East" (V. Matthews and D.Benjamin)

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