Your REAL name???

by Odrade 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwbot

    Stacy does not NEED a man, she needs to visit ME though, and of course, Stacy, your name would be Stacy Lacey and that is pretty damn cool if you ask me!

  • xjw_b12

    My real name is David Smith

    You may read more about me here at my web page:

    P.S. Which one do you think I am?

  • Elsewhere

    That settles it... at the next Apostafest everyone is to wear a name badge that says: "Hello, my name is: Brian"

  • Badger

    Oh HELL no...I ain't leaving one organization that used name tags for another one.

    A scant couple know my name 'cuz we E-mail back and forth. They've respected my incogneato request since I'm still in.

  • arrowstar

    My name is Brian. Of the Texas Brians. Perhaps we met before?

    Brian Lisa Brian Kay Brian Norwood Brian

  • bikerchic

    he,hee Craig's middle name is Bryan! My X-s middle name was that must mean I'm in the club by way of association?

    Seriously Odrade *remembering not to use your real name here*......I never got a chance to out myself Craig did it for me on the board, I was a bit uncomfortable at first but hey I figured what the heck.

    Weird story when I first came here to this board I had to register to use the chat room all I wanted to do was chat, not post.....I was litterally shaking when I registered and used a name I use on other boards which pretty much identifies me even my family could figure that one out........d'oh!

    Anyway there was a girl in chat in the early days with the same name as me and sometimes I would really freak when people used her name I thought I had been outed! You know how fast the chat room moves, it really freaked me out until I figured out she and I had the same name, whew! Anyway it took a while before I felt I could trust people in chat with my name, so many knew me by name there that when Craig used my real name on the board I was okay with it.


  • morty

    my name name is....sssssssssslim shady.......

    autograph anyone????????????????????????


  • ApagaLaLuz

    I'm briana


    I'm Jana of the Southern California Jana's :)

    I really dont care if people know who I am or not

  • Mac
    Welease Bwian

    ..... Yes...........pwease wet me go.............and I pwomise to wifdraw myself fwom this thwead!


  • Aztec
    at the next Apostafest everyone is to wear a name badge that says: "Hello, my name is: Brian"



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