Do they still give the higer rank elders at Bethel Luxury Cars?

by Dan76 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • RubaDub

    Thank you Blondie.

    May I present a clarification and amplification of the issue.

    Some in the organization in the past may have thought that the arrangement for the autos was continuing. However, it is obvious that that is not the case. Some readers on the board may have incorrectly observed that the arrangement continues. Some have may even speculated that that was the case.

    Obviously, those with sincere hearts accept the fact that the arrangement for the autos was discontinued some time ago. Those who read the earlier comments and came to some other conclusion were obviously in error and need to examine their own motivations and pay closer attention to information presented in the future.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Dan76

    My actual question was in regard to bethelite elders specificly. They have no income other than the allowance WTS gives them, and it sure aint to get those new cars.

  • RubaDub

    Blondie ... I was just practicing blaming the R&F for my errant statement ...

    I feel like I'm getting the hang of it already !

    ****** Rub a Dub

  • blondie

    Rub-a-Dub, the WTS is changing all the time, just not in the right areas or for the right reasons.

    As to your question Dan76, remember that the WTS will look at this situation as to what the government will think. That is why the manner of paying for the CO vehicles changed not for theocratic reasons.

    So I have known of wealthy JWs giving cars to "higher rank Bethel elders" for their use and worked it so they could take it off on their income tax. Those at Bethel have to be careful about what the IRS sees as income, so an outright gift of a vehicle might not be a good idea. Do some in Bethel get perks that others in the organization don't get? You bet, and they figure they are enttitled to it because they are doing all the real important work. Yes, Jesus said to go forth and print books and magazines didn't he?


  • mizpah

    Years ago, most Jehovah's Witnesses struggled to keep their old "flivers" repaired and patched so as to use them in "Jehovah's Service." The only ones who seemed to have the larger and newer cars were the Circuit Servants. Occasionally, an appeal would be made to the circuit so the CO could have a newer car. I remember one refusing a newer but smaller car because it was not "safe" to drive. No matter that the majority of his "brothers" could only afford such.

    COs and their wives did not have an easy life. But they did get certain perks that compensated for their way of life. They always received private contributions in every congregation they attended. They were always treated as "royalty" whenever they visited. Their accomodations were usually provided by JWs who were "better off" than the average. And every family that fed them always tried to give them the very best.

  • Gerard

    How many vehicles does the WT own in NY? There is a fee of $5 for each search that you make with the Dial-in service.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    Do some in Bethel get perks that others in the organization don't get? You bet, and they figure they are enttitled to it because they are doing all the real important work. Yes, Jesus said to go forth and print books and magazines didn't he?

    Speaking of perks, a dub was telling me about how if I get baptized, then the organization would help me out in case of a medical emergency, but they wouldn't do that for just a study. They have a sister who has cancer, and apparently the organization sent the doctors information and stuff.

  • amac

    I seriously doubt that the Bethel Elder you knew was given a Lexus by the WT. Bethel Elders are not usually given cars, but I'm sure there are exceptions if they are doing and type of travel work similar to a CO or DO. As others have pointed out, the Society usually gives them Buicks or Oldsmobiles, not exactly "luxury" cars, more like "old fart" cars. Not sure what else they should give them, they are some of the cheapest cars that you can get in the mid-size range.

    I do remember certain Bethel elders that had nice rides, but they were usually personally acquired or they were "hooked up" by a rich friend.

  • jwsons

    Who will sell the luxury cars with these key rings?
    And who will buy those cars with these key rings?


  • JT

    Wt give out a Lexus ---NO WAY-

    first off - such bethelites are not referred to as "Higher Ups" O No- wt has it own title

    "BETHEL HEAVIES"--------------- and the rest are known as "BetheLITES"

    you know like the city overseer and assembly overseer are called "Local Heavies' smile

    ask any bethelite they will tell you- smile

    but i will share this point - one of the GB-- Albert Shroeder's son Judith Benz as we USED TO CALL HIM- SMILE

    anyway he married a nice looking sister from Mich, whose father just so happens to own one of the largest Buick dealership out there

    well what do you know THE WT GETS THEIR CARS from this same bro- smile

    anyway all of bethel cars and the co and do cars come thru this guy-

    i recall when he got married --to go to WEDDING WAS BY INVITATION ONLY - NOT THE RECEPTION, BUT THE WEDDING

    yes it was like royality indeed all the DO, CO, Branch and Zone overseer and Missionaries who rolled into town for it

    we watched as the Royal Couple were driven down to thier waiting Yacht down behind the 25 columbia hts building

    my roommate at the time was a wt driver and he had the Privlige of shuttling thier guest from the 107 Hall down the hill to the waiting Yacht-

    Judith he left bethel to go and work for his fatherinlaw for a few years and returned back to bethel and finally ended up in the PR dept but recently when the Sh!t started to hit the fan---- he along with Jim Pellcia were removed and someone much more Smoother was assigned this assignement MY MENTOR JR BROWN- smile

    anyway back to the cars--- most of the Bethel Heavies have "Gift Cars" given by the friends

    in fact old JR tools around in a Q45- not bad for a guy who makes $90.00 a month

    word has it that Larry Gramham hooked him up-- BUT DON'T QUOTE ME

    i recall this old bethelite named Harley Miller, he drove around in a BMW that was parked down at 25 columbia hts and since my oldroomates was a dirver for the wt-- he got the prilege of WASHING HIS CAR- SMILE

    i guess that is how he ended up in the Service Dept since old Harley was a Major Player in the Service dept, one of the most FEARED MEN------by the CO and Do -- casue he did the ASSIGNMENTS, piss him off and you were sent to North Dokatoa

    make friends with him and you got Southern CA or FL- smile

    most of the wt cars are buick 88

    i onced asked Al Harrell now a Corp member of one of the new corps --why they didn't order Caddies and he told me it would look TOO MUCH LIKE CHRISTDOM- SMILE

    so you got to love it

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