Watchtower, September 15, 1895: "Beware of "organization." It is wholly unnecessary. The Bible rules will be the only rules you will need. Do not seek to bind others' consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours."
Beware of "organization." - They said it!
by punkofnice 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
punky, while the September 15, 1985 Watchtower did advise to beware of "organization", I would be wary of picking a sentence and reaching conclusions on that alone. Two months later in the November 15, 1895 Watchtower there is an article Decently and in Order (1 Corinthians 14:40) where it says:
The apostles had much to say to the early church concerning order in the assemblies of the saints : and apparently we have been rather negligent of this wise counsel, feeling it to be of rather minor importance ... But it is safe to continue to heed very carefully "the things written aforetime for our admonition."
Then there are sub-headings 'Order in the Early Church', 'Order Necessary Today', 'The Apostolic Counsel Commended' etc. Anyway, the conclusion is "the true church, 'whose names are written in heaven,' is undoubtedly an organization, even in the present time, while it is subject to many vicissitudes - its membership constantly changing, etc., but it is a heavenly organization, not an earthly one."
Ernie - Exactly. this is how duplicitous they are.
I would be wary of picking a sentence and reaching conclusions on that alone.
Nah. Not a bit. Throw the nonsense out there to illustrate how rudderless they are.
I did not mean to give the impression I'd reached a conclusion though. Just for clarity, ol' friend....or buddy, depending which side of the Atlantic you're on.
Fish 'n' chips or battered cod and fries?
God is a God of order.
God has always had an organization.
There can be only one true religion.
God rejected all the false religions in 1918
Vdh: God rejected all the false religions in 1918
There can be only one true religion and it unwaveringly still teaches their slogan of 1918: "---- Millions now living will never die"
punkofnice : Fish 'n' chips or battered cod and fries?
A Cantabrigian, dear chap. Just a stone's throw away (but only for those without sin).
WT claims progressive understanding and not that wt teachings is an un changeable standard. For example, wt once celebrated christmas and believed in the cross.
Ernie - I do visit Cambridge from time to time because it's just up the road from me. Rather picturesque. The cafe in M&S is a bit low brow but has a nice view and decent soup. I can just about stand students and bikes.
FM - WT claims progressive understanding and not that wt teachings is an un changeable standard.
How silly of them. they really are silly billies!
The issue is that 'progressive understanding' is impossible to distinguish from 'making it up as we go along.'
Progressive understanding is exemplified best by both 180 degree reversals in the channel and also progressing back to previous understandings.
And here i thought that a new view of truth never contradicts an older view of truth, it merely progressively adds to it.