Jehovah will destroy you!!

by little witch 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • D8TA

    As to the topic and quoted saying.

    Yes, one day Jehovah will destroy us all. We will all die from the paper cuts of 6 million WT and Awake magazine weilding fanatics who will come for us all one day.

    At arma-bull-crapa-dom.

    But that not after the Great Tribu-By-Kisssing the GB's Ass-lation day.

    Of course we all KNOW that these days will never come, just like Armageddon and the "Great Tribulation"...god I hate even recalling those damn sayings. For the GB and WTS, revised it and just call it the Great Suckoff D8TA Day. Come on, humor me!

  • integ

    Somebody please stick a fork in the Watchtower....They're done.


  • ChimChim

    Thank-You for sharing your story with us! I haven't been in it long enough to experiance what you have but I know what it's like to be pressured into things Its a dumb religion and no one should b exposed to it


  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally

    little witch:

    i feel SO sorry for you. what i really feel the worst about is your stepmom's treatment of you. in the line of work i'm in i hear some real horror stories about the suffering of innocent children and believe me, you were one. sounds like you still are suffering and sharing your story should be cathartic. some of the worst injuries to children are mental; abasing and belittling words are felt 'till death. but to add to that with slapping you is unspeakable! it truly is amazing how people can become productive, normal adults after this kind of treatment. what passes for normal is often a shell covering massive bruises that scar people for life. please accept my heartfelt sorrow for the suffering you should never have had to shoulder.


  • primitivegenius


  • little witch
    little witch

    Thank you all for your kind replies and hugs.

    I really needed to get this one off my chest. So often it is the children who pay the highest price for defending the doctrine of the Dubs. The parents usually hide their little quirk when it is convienient for them to do so, but the kids are made to stand strong, leave class for parties, remain seated during the national anthem/pledge, etc.

    Thanks again for understanding, and for your support, I really needed that right now.

    You guys are the best!!

  • Nosferatu
    So often it is the children who pay the highest price for defending the doctrine of the Dubs.

    Very true. Thanx for sharing your story.

  • Lutece

    Thank you for sharing that. I showed it to my 13 year old and we both cried because of pure happiness at being out of that horrible religion, but also of her school friend who she's known since she was little and a witness. She sees her already having many of her dreams squelched and having to give up the after school activities to go out in service. Her parents wouldn't physically hurt her, but the things they say make her feel the guilt that gives her stomach aches. There are so many on this board who are survivors and that pain can't always be easily shared with friends that haven't been JW's. Thank you

  • shotgun

    (((((((((((little witch)))))))))))

    First time I've hugged a witch, although you are a little witch. My best friend at 8yrs of age asked me you think I'm going to die and that you have the only true religion..I said I guess so..he put it eloquently as only an 8 yr old can F off.

    I spoke to him several months ago and asked for his forgiveness for a lifetime of keeping a friend that was always there for me at arms reach. Treating him like someone who had a disease, always the fasad of being a good friend but in reality not truly because he did not worship the true god......Rutherford. He told me to forget about it the only thing that bothered him was that his lifelong friend would not come to his wedding and did not ask him to stand in his own wedding either. I didn't even go to his dad's funeral, he was there for mine. He was by far the better example of a good Samaritan.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Ty Shotgun. Yes, the guilt is terrible, it is instilled in jw kids from early on. I remember the six of us getting put into different cars and sent out in service. The idea was, if a little kid accompanied an adult, the householder would be more receptive!

    Well, it didnt work. We got cussed out, and ran off right along with the grownups! The kids in our hall were used pitifully. I am sure not much has changed, sadly enough.

    I hated being made to be different. I didnt feel "special", I felt wierd and alone, and embarrassed!

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