Would you still be angry with Lloyd Evans ?

by BettyHumpter 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    It doesn't matter. I have Disfellowshipped(tm) him from my thoughts.

  • joe134cd

    The thing I find unpalatable about him. Is the allegations of his inappropriately behaviour to a female under the age of 18. This, allegedly, may of been the real reason he was DFed, and the reason he never recorded his JC meeting. I’ve been following Lloyd from day one. I remember at the time of his JC thinking it odd that a crusader for freedom would not want to openly expose the injustices of Wt, by recording it. I guess now know the real reason why.

    Even if nothing physically happened the intent was there.

  • NonCoinCollector

    Multiple factors are involved in this. He still attempted to sue or is still trying to sue multiple people that merely expressed an opinion. Keep in mind he said in his confession video that we were free to judge him. He still was running around trying to be the face of activism regarding Watchtower's covering up sex abuse. He still did other nasty things like trying to steal the copyright to Crisis of Conscience from the Ray Franz estate. Would there be a 540-plus page forum topic on Lloyd? Probably not, but the fact his activities are/were illegal just fans the fames.

  • smiddy3

    It boggles my mind that Lloyd Evans is still a subject for discussion on this forum ?

  • slimboyfat

    Amazing that some people are still surprised that, for as long as LE tries to carry on lying about others and misrepresenting his own actions, then others are going to push back against his lies, his frivolous legal manoeuvres, and point out that his behaviour is incompatible with representing victims.

  • Gorb

    Mentaly issues.


  • Hellothere
  • ForeverAlone
    It boggles my mind that Lloyd Evans is still a subject for discussion on this forum

    As long as he carries on with this bullshit "lawsuit" I WILL BE HERE!!! We will be here! We heard it out of his own fucking mouth!!!

    Forgetting that the lawsuit will never fly, the purpose of getting the law involved it to get someone punished BY THE LAW!! That my friend is UNFORGIVIVABLE when your own fucking mouth spoke it!!!!

    Sorry I have to stop typing my anger at this thread just went through the roof!!!!!!!

  • BettyHumpter

    "Whether it is legal in the country that he frequents sex workers is pretty much irrelevant."

    My point with that was that if it's a legal establishment, then presumably it would have some sort of state oversight and therefore less likely to be exploiting women against their will.

  • vienne

    The initial question is farcical. State oversight of prostitution or not, he still cheated on his wife and bragged about it compounding the stupidity.

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