This is a very thought provoking question. I thought I had it together and figured out in my late teens and early twenties. By thirty I realized I was a dumb shit and started over. By 42 all the things I did in my thirties started to unravel. Now, in my late 40's I don't care anymore. I am OK with me, finally. If I put my foot in my mouth I try to learn from it and not make THAT mistake again. I'll make a different one! I'm OK with not having all the answers or being right all the time. I'd like to, but it's not going to happen. I'm not afraid to "hang it out there" and go for it! What's the worst that can happen that hasn't already happened to me? Alan F and Mulan both brought out good points. I am lucky I have my health and don't have a face that is a road map of my screw-ups! Enjoy where you are Runner, and who you are. You have the advantage of a lot of wise and caring people here who will gladly help you not make the Big mistakes, hopefully! Maverick