What is the ideal age?

by logansrun 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Growing older has its benefits and drawbacks. The physical drawbacks are pretty obvious.

    Boy, that's the truth. That part of getting older is hard to deal with sometimes, but mentally I like where I am, and have for many years. At 30, I wished I knew back then what I knew at the time, and each decade, 40 and 50, I felt the same.

  • onacruse

    Mulan, imo you hit the nail right on the head! What's that expression..."wherever you go, there you are." Sure, at 51 I could look back and dredge up all kinds of regrets about "I shoulda done this or that," (and, yes, at times I've indulged myself in such self-pity). But especially now that the JW fog is clearing from my mind (I really think I can see the light of day now ), I find each day fascinating and challenging.

    And, very honestly, my conversations with you younger folks is part of what keeps the juices flowing We each have our own particular energies to offer each other, wherever we are on the path of life.


  • logansrun

    "whatever has happened, had to have happened that way or else what is happening today wouldn't be happening."

    Bradley -- who just made that up

  • oldcrowwoman

    The age I am now.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I wouldn't know.....

    I was swindled out of my late teens and early twenties by the JWs.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I have no qualms about aging, its something I can't control, so I make it my business to get the most of it. I'm still a high steel worker and a professional tree cutter. I've had aches and pains when I was young and I still have aches and pains but I understand them better. I deal with life's problems head-on. Youth was a learning stage, age (hopefully) helps you to make good use of that stage. I make it a point to keep learning. I'm playing and enjoying golf more than when I was younger, what more do I want? Besides, I often think of the people who died young and never fully experienced their youth let alone aging. When death strikes, so be it for me. Note, I enjoy seeing people making the most of their lives.

    Guest 77

  • Mulan
    I was swindled out of my late teens and early twenties by the JWs.

    I could say that about my life too, but add to that my childhood, my early AND late teens, twenties, thirties and my forties. I didn't learn the REAL truth until I was 50. I wasn't resentful though, because I didn't know the difference. I could look back and be mad forever, and dwell on all the missed opportunities, and I did do that for a long time.

    Now, I am trying hard to accept my past and live now!! It's a better way to look at life, but you have to heal first.

  • JH

    Every age is beautiful. Even a person in the 60's with gray hair has it's own beauty to it.

    I guess that we become physically complete at 16 or 17 but then later in life wisdom comes in and does what physical strength won't even accomplish. I'm 43 and feel strong like 23. I saw no change. Maybe a few tiny wrinkles, less hair, but physically I feel the same and can do as much.

    Wisdom comes in later in life. That is just as important as youth.

    Ideal age, would be a physical body of 25 with the knowledge of life and wisdom of 50 or 60 years old.

    Since we can't have that, I'll say 35-40 years old would be the best.

  • Maverick

    This is a very thought provoking question. I thought I had it together and figured out in my late teens and early twenties. By thirty I realized I was a dumb shit and started over. By 42 all the things I did in my thirties started to unravel. Now, in my late 40's I don't care anymore. I am OK with me, finally. If I put my foot in my mouth I try to learn from it and not make THAT mistake again. I'll make a different one! I'm OK with not having all the answers or being right all the time. I'd like to, but it's not going to happen. I'm not afraid to "hang it out there" and go for it! What's the worst that can happen that hasn't already happened to me? Alan F and Mulan both brought out good points. I am lucky I have my health and don't have a face that is a road map of my screw-ups! Enjoy where you are Runner, and who you are. You have the advantage of a lot of wise and caring people here who will gladly help you not make the Big mistakes, hopefully! Maverick

  • JH


    Enjoy being 27, it's a beautiful age and you will realize that time goes faster and faster with age. You can do more things at 27 than 40. When you go into a bar people won't stare at you because you are too old. Once you reach 35, people do.

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