The Perfect Storm in 2018?

by Wild_Thing 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    I have been sadly watching as the number of JWs in other countries are decreasing (for the most part), while the numbers in the US are strangely increasing. While I question the organization's self reporting numbers, I think 2018 may be the year for another mass US exodus.

    Leah Remini's show will be focusing on JWs in her show on A&E. If they would somehow coincide the airing of those episodes with the release of the film Apostasy and the release of the film The Truth About the Truth, I think JWs would finally get the media attention they deserve here in the US, and the JWs still sticking their heads in the sand will finally have to give it some attention. Maybe it will provoke enough attention and curiosity to get some American JWs googling, and we will another mass exodus here in the US.

    I will the above is just wishful thinking, but wouldn't it be great?

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  • slimboyfat

    I think a number of long term internal pressures will bring decline in the United States. (Unless the organisation actually collapses which is also possible)

    First there's the poor leadership on display in the broadcasts. Plus there's the incredible doctrine, especially the overlapping generation. Then there's the alienation of young adult JWs through mandated shunning for DFed or informal shunning of inactive or non-baptised. Plus there is the fallout from abuse scandals being uncovered. And there is the financial pressure of an organisation in decline.

    They closed over 400 congregations (net) in the US last year. That must mean a lot of JWs who have lost contact with old friends and have further to travel to the meetings. That's got to have an impact in terms of future decline.

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  • Crazyguy

    They have lost the ability to catch to many new victims at the doors and the magazine racks are a massive disappointment. But they are using nicely produced propaganda videos at the conventions. The ones in may not be so easy to get out but with no new ones from the field the cult will still loose.

    In the end those that are in the ones that wake up are still those that have been victims of the cult. The rest will still be asleep. Like me and my wife , I woke up because of things that didn’t add up and then was trashed for questioning. The wife on the other hand was praised for her faith her friends rallied around her and she didn’t really loose. She still has all the material things that I supply etc, so why the hell would she wake up.

    The only difference I see now is with the internet it’s easier for those that wake up to become informed and because of this whole family’s are leaving.

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  • punkofnice
    Wildy - Leah Remini's show will be focusing on JWs in her show

    We shall see. I imagine the jobos will be commanded not to watch it on pain of Armageddon

    I imagine a clutch TV watchers will think, 'Uh? Jobos....change channel to some brain numbing reality show.'

    If they would somehow coincide the airing of those episodes with the release of the film Apostasy

    We shall see. It depends on how big an audience it reaches.

    and the release of the film The Truth About the Truth

    I've not heard of that one.

    SBF -First there's the poor leadership on display in the broadcasts. Plus there's the incredible doctrine,

    I agree. The Governing body and their elves look like nutters, sound like nutters and ARE nutters.

    I think most jobos don't really know what they believe anymore.

    Perhaps WBT$ will slowly die - death by 1000 cuts. Perhaps that's just wishful thinking that they'll go down the khazi.

    Crazy - The only difference I see now is with the internet it’s easier for those that wake up to become informed and because of this whole family’s are leaving.

    Oh yes!

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  • shepherdless

    Decline, even in Europe, has only become visible, recently.

    The first stages of decline are when the average membership age increases, relative to the population. That has already started to happen in USA. Leaving aside the possibility of some sort of financial collapse, I doubt there will be any significant decline in USA this year. In fact, there is likely to be a few more flat years, first. And even when decline starts to show up in the numbers, it will be a tiny 1% for a few years. And while this decline is occurring, the seeds of a more rapid decline will be taking place, as it turns more fully into a club for the silver-haired, with no ability at the congregation level to connect with the younger generations.

    I know that is not what people want to read, and people here would like it all to happen more quickly, but I am trying to be realistic.

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  • snugglebunny

    The citizens of the USA are inherently more religious than their European cousins. An American converted to dubbism is probably just switching his religion from one to another. A European becoming a JW is much more likely to have had no religion at all before he became converted. The message now is not so appealing as it used to be. So a European becoming a witness will be making greater life changes than his American counterpart. Therefore the USA is more likely to see an increase in its membership than any country across the pond.

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  • sir82

    the above is just wishful thinking

    Yes it is.

    Look, if the 1975 debacle, blood fractions / components, the ludicrous "generation" definitions, the sheer moronity of Lett & the other GBers, child abuse scandals, etc. have not prompted a "mass exodus" by now....

    Why do you think a TV show will do so?

    JWs will fade to obscurity, but it will take decades, probably many decades.

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  • nonjwspouse

    The TV show will help reduce potential converts. That is a big deal. We know some current ones are leaving. Some current ones with doubts may watch the show since some had been watching before.

    Leah's show will be a massive seed. One those who watch, can't unwatch. It will be hard to stop the growth of that seed. Of course some will desperately try, but it will not be easy.

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  • eyeuse2badub

    What I have certainly notice of late is the wide spread apathy among jw's. Even the super, gong-ho jw's of yesteryear are now showing cracks in the armor that once seemed impenetrable. When the wife and I get together with other long time jw's, the conversation no longer centers on pioneering, serving where the need is great (where the great are needed), making big plans to attend a foreign convention and other typical jw talking items. Now it more on current events, who's getting married, (or divorced), retirement planning, and their new big screen tv.

    No energy at the meeting just going along for the ride. APATHY rules the day among jw's.

    just saying!

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  • Bugbear

    I think the number of registered JW,s will decrease slowly. The org. will keep even people that haven’t been active for years registered as “members”. (Once a Mormon – always a Mormon). This partly depending on the fact that certain states give subsidies to religious organization depending on the numbers of members they can show. But the wallet will talk….

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