......from atheism.
Jehovah, we thank you for these manny blessings... for the food you provide, also the rich spiritual bountious ...uh.. bounty from the faithful and discreet slave. Also thank you for the local brothers who watch over us to protect the flock, such as onacruse, may we always be helping them to ...ummm...watch over us..*shit! I said that already* *smacks head*..to make it so that the shepherds don't have to groan when they protect us...*questioningly*....*brightens!* Please help us to help them to shepherd us with pleasure, and not with sighing and groaning!Yeah,that's it. Please Jehovah, help the worldwide work onearthasinheaven and we ask allthesethinginyoursonJesusesname.... WAIT, also, please help The Cubs to get into the World Series!!!, amen.