I look at what many have gone through here as spiritual terrorism. We were held hostage literally in the physical sense, bound by the beliefs and ritualism of a religion interpreted by man.
The anger, hurt, sorrow and feelings of victimization, are valid feelings. Spiritual Terrorism is a peculiar kind of assault. It is unlike any other crime. In its aftermath, the survivors' psychological pattern is closest to, but not the same as; the aftermath of violent serial and group rape. Wherein the rapists are still potentially active and still at large... thus the feelings of violent anger and revenge come up, due to the helpless feelings we have, because it is still going on. We are taught to be strong and to be able to handle anything, but how can you defend yourself against a spirtual deception and rape? We are drugged by the sheer force of the information, some started at birth. Many are angry that we were not able to defend ourselves. Blaming ourselves for ?allowing? this to happen. Many of us have been deceived, harmed and spiritually maligned. So when people speak of their anger, is a way to release that feeling. As long as you are not so consumed by anger, that it is self destructive and a blind rage. The release of feeling angry is healthy, as long as you are not inflicting this violence or pain on yourself or others. It is venting and a releasing of the hurt, outrage, etc. By this release of the anger, are expressing the pain and hurt you feel. By doing so you will find a way to deal with the pain, and find the root cause, though this release.
The main goal of spiritual terrorism is "intentional trauma" to the living. The soul murder and mayhem are secondary goals. In the case of the WTS, spiritual murder, mayhem and a constant feeling of persecution (real, felt, or otherwise) is a constant bombardment tool used.
This "infection" that terrorists hope to circulate is that of innocent persons becoming afraid of life, afraid of the future; of causing people to put off the living of life, to move in ways that are far less than their previous free selves, for people to be locked into feeling ill, guilty, angry and/or anxious. The effect of living in such a state hurts the human spirit and heart. The main goal of terrorism is "intentional psychological trauma."
Spiritual Terrorism is willful psychological assault; a conscious and planned assault against the minds and hearts and spirits of a large group of persons. There are other secondary goals to terrorism. Any and all of them are the sickest imaginable. But the above is how terrorists seek to cast their net of "sickness" over all survivors and victims, over the living--- by trying to deprive you of the fullest and freely felt Hope.
Physical Reactions:
Inability to sleep
Sleeping too much
Changes in appetite, digestive disturbances
Feeling numb
Need for Comfort
Sleep disturbance; nightmares, night terrors
Behavioral Reactions:
Poor concentration
Inability to attach importance to anything but this event
Recurrent dreams
Inability to remember
Refusing to talk
Feeling one should not cry
Startle reactions while awake or asleep
Isolating, wanting to be alone.
Wanting to just sit, or just stare.
Psychological Reactions:
Feelings of fear
Feelings of guilt
Feelings of helplessness
Feeling one cannot stop crying
Anger, which may cause the blaming of others, passionate outbursts
Frustration with rescue workers, the bureaucracy, anyone who tries to help.
Ongoing violent fantasies,
Thinking no one can ever understand, no one can ever help.
Secret keeping
Blaming oneself.
These are
Keep busy, do not sit and do nothing. You are having a reaction; do not tell yourself that you have lost your mind.
Talk to people - talk is the most healing thing you can do. Talk it out. You may have to tell your story over and over again, many, many times before it loses much of its pain. Each time you tell your story and receive someone's caring, you will be healing yourself.
Try not to cover up your feelings by withdrawing or by using alcohol. Talk your feelings out. As many times as you need to. There is no shame or selfishness in this. You have been through a lot.
Reach out to others. They really do care.
Spend time with others. Do not isolate yourself. Ask other people how they are doing. Remember they may be shy to tell a stranger of their burden.
Remember, each person telling their story over and over is the way to heal.
When you feel bad, find a person to talk to, and to cry with, to tell of your anger and other helpless feelings. Don't keep it inside. You are vulnerable in these moments; take care to not over-indulge or self-medicate with substances, or other mind-numbing addictions.
Mistakes? Back up and make them as right as you can, then move on. Be off the charts in kindness. In whatever you are called to, strive to be devoted to it in all aspects large and small. Fall short? Try again. Mastery is made in increments, not in leaps. Be brave, be fierce, and be visionary. Mend the parts of the world that are "within your reach." To strive to live this way is the most dramatic gift you can ever give to the world.
Most of all, love yourself as well as you do others.