Anthony Morris's talk about beards and facial hair

by EndofMysteries 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    I just found an archive of one of Anthony Morris's talks back from 1916, (yes the man is that old), about facial hair. Obviously he recycles his talks as it will sound very similar to a recent rant of his!

    "It's in America, and it's in Europe, they have the metrosexual look. It's becoming very popular. It's not new, but what's new is it's becoming so very popular. What it means is teens and grown men are both shaving off all of their facial hair, it's called "clean shaven" or "clean cut". Beard, mustache, all gone with just the hair on the head remaining.

    It's not that you don't groom your facial hair to fit your physique, that's fine. That's what Max and I do. What's wrong is shaving it all off. It's not appropriate for a Christian man. And frankly I'm puzzled by this, I've asked sister after sister, "Does this look good"? ANd I haven't had one yet who could say yes. And I have been saying this from the start, the homosexuals who start this trend, they like you looking more feminine.

    I was proud of one circuit overseer, who told me this past summer at an international convention, cuz he brought it up, one of these fellas shows up for his circuit overseer visit, and he wants to go out in the ministry, work with him door to door, and his face is hairless! And the circuit overseer was man enough, spirital man enough, to say, "No! I'm not going door to door with you! Mm mm. Not with that hairless face. Inappropriate. You're a man, grow a beard! So a lot to think about. And you elders out there listening in....and be kind now! We always wanna imitate Christ Jesus. Jesus himself had a beard, and is he not the example to follow?! Infact can you think of ONE faithful bible character past puberty who had ever shaved their face? No. Infact shaving began in ancient Egypt it was a rebellion and rejection of how Jehovah God created a man to look and we should stay far away from those pagan practices!

    And do you remember that many, many, many homosexuals are in the trend industry and start the trends. Don't you know they love it when you're clean cut? Oh yeah, you chuckle. I don't think it's funny. I think it's disgusting!"

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    EndofMysteries, I think 1916 must be a typo.

    Edit: I kind of thought it was ironic but I didn't read it carefully enough. Egg on my face.

  • EndofMysteries
    Nope, if he was alive then, that would have been his talk, remember Russell and those in that time had beards. But Rutherford jumped onto the clean shaven 'trend'. And suddenly facial hair was bad. Also shows the hypocrisy and backwards thinking of his condemnation of 'tight pants' but acceptance of clean shaven lol. I think even down to today it's frowned upon even though, at least in my area, clean shaven is becoming a minority. The beard is back!
  • Village Idiot
  • steve2

    I thought EOM intentionally meant 1916 and that his OP is ironic because the male grooming of that era was dominated by bushy beards, with relatively few clean shaven men.

    So, if Tone lived at in that era, and had the urge to impose a more rigorous grooming code on the brothers, he would lament the then new trend among males to be clean shaven.

    Have I go that right?

    Don't you hate it when irony is so subtle, that you can't quite tell if the writer is serious.

  • EndofMysteries
    Yup, you got it Steve :)
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    I've always understood that the reason why Rutherford imposed the fallacy of the ''no beards policy'', was because Judge Rutherford didn't care how beards looked. Or because Rutherford couldn't grow a full beard, and that maybe he was jealous of men with full beards.
  • EndofMysteries
    Beth - is there even a picture of Rutherford ever having a beard or did Rutherford never even have one? But I think he imposed it for his own personal taste and like everything else he wrote, whatever he said was not from him but from Jesus or God himself and to be obeyed as such!
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    I don't think I've ever seen a picture of Rutherford with any hair on his face besides his eyebrows.
  • xjwsrock

    I cried laughing at that. One of the best laughs in a long time.

    I could hear him saying that crap as I read it.

    Whats crazy is, he actually should be saying that since facial hair is so obviously masculine.

    Can you say "traditions of men"?

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