The WTBS offers solutions. You get to:
....eagerly anticipate the global bloodletting of billions of people (the wbts will grind your axe for you so you don't get in trouble with the law), become a prince (in your own mind), be a teacher instead of a student, wear nice clothes instead of janitor work clothes, imagine yourself very intelligent without ever getting an education, feel cock sure that God will vindicate his holy name (and yours along with it. In other words, show all the people who screwed you over that you really were the smart one), feel very important because even though God has hidden these things from men, he chose to reveal them to you, have your choice of really big expensive houses after the Big A hits, save your money by not wasting it on charities, be holy even as Jehovah your God is holy, have instant friends without having to go to the trouble of getting to really know them, feel sorry for the misguided (intact) families that attend church, suffer for righteousness sake thereby guaranteeing God's favor, memorize the correct verbage for counseling others (meetings and field serevice), stop 'sighing and groaning' because the WBTS will wipe your bum for you, defeat the devil by being on the winning side of a cosmic power struggle, show your loyalty by shunning family members that don't agree with you, possibly meet governing body members at conventions (christ's brothers), eat fresh warm Krispy Kreme donuts after desparately trying to save lives for 45 minutes on Saturday morning, become a bible scholar, save expensive tuition costs by getting the equivalent of a college degree by reading the AWAKE, and last but not least :
you get to show your appreciation for all the the WTBS has done for you by supporting the WWPW (world wide preaching work) so that other secretly important people like you can enjoy the same privledges.
Oh, I almost forgot. I think living forever in a paradise earth under the close oversight of your local elders is available on a contingency basis; the haughty and selfish need not apply.