I have to get my butt in gear too. I first did my MCSE in NT 3.51 and never bothered certifying in NT4. I started the win2k track, but never did the exams. I may do win2003, but I think the exams are just in beta.
I did my XP Pro, CCNA, Server+, TICSA , and Cisco firewall certs last year, but so far I did NOTHING this year. Feeling kind of brain dead right now, since I just left the JW's right after a whole pile of courses and exams. I'll probably start again in the new year.
I haven't found any braindumps that I found useful, but I use some of the practice exams from Transcender, Measureup, and Selftest software.
A home network is a great help too. It costs a bit to set up at first, but in the long term I find it more cost effective than taking courses that cost a couple of thousand $$ for 5 days.