To discuss the religious and philosophical aspects of the so called "consciousness expanding" drugs, particularly marijuana. " The Serpent Power," by Arthur Avalon, is a translation of an ancient Hindu text, the Mahanirvana tantra, one of the more conservative texts of the Shaivite school of Hinduism. This text deals with ritual, prayer, and the formal religious use of marijuana. One who engages in mantra prayer and chanting will use this narcotic hemp in his ceremonies, and these rituals should be protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. But, like I have said before the laws of this country are superimposed by common interest groups. Pharmacological companies have spent serious money to prove the adverse reactions to unadulterated preparations of this flower and in extreme doses of 20 cigarettes a day of the highest quality. They include paranoia and psychotic reactions, and increase in heart rate and dilation of the blood vessels of the eye. A particular concern of the Pharmacological Industry is the "amotivation syndrome;" which is their term for feelings of apathy. These companies and government (that backs up big contributers to their re-election campaigns) blame marijuana smoking for the appearance and performance of teenagers. It is difficult to understand a youth's diminished drive and ambition and in my opinion the disruption of the family structure, domestic violence, and general social unrest of these turbulent times of injustice seem a little closer to truth then blaming marijuana use. Despite the lack of any clear evidence linking marijuana to harmful physical effects it is still against the law, and the fact that producing advertising that induces young people to smoke cigarettes or purchase expensive merchandise that some parents can not afford is legal make a weak argument. One of the most alarming developments has been the tremendous growth and exploitation by the Pharmacological drug industry and their mind control drugs for children. Abnormal behavior as well as overt psychiatric symptoms are brought on or changed by social and cultural conditions. Marijuana according to government is a drug used by low social classes, poverty, sexism groups, racism groups, people with lack of family support that correlates with poor psychological adjustment, people with stress, anxiety, depression, role confusion, a sense of helplessness, and the failure to achieve potential. The interaction between a child and the most significant caretaking person is another major determinant of early development of marijuana abuse according to government. Now, in our culture that would be your mother! Government and doctors and pharmacological giants put the blame on your mother. I think my mother would have a problem with that. A child whose life situation is too disadvantaged and whose minimal survival needs are not met may not develop healthy ways of coping with life, but to put the blame on mothers is not the case. The ingredient in healthy psychological growth is freedom. Over twenty million Americans currently require treatment for emotional difficulties. One third of all hospital beds are occupied by people with mental illnesses. Their disorders account for more days of hospitalization than any other cause. Including lost productivity, the cost of their hospitalization is over $20 billion a year to American taxpayers. The drug treatment for all these mental disorders are the bread and butter to the pharmacological giants. Marijuana exists like many other things in this world, and it would be extremely superficial to forbid, to outlaw, or to consider marijuana evil or immoral. I think anyone who contemplates taking any drugs, including pharmacological drugs, deserves to have all of the knowledge necessary so that he can make an intelligent choice as to just what risk is involved. In this country the automobile kills thousands of people a year, and yet I have not heard of anyone advocating the abolition of the automobile. Many things in life involve risk and we do not shun them. In any case if the marijuana substances have substantial spiritual and religious advantages, the I would be prepared to say that this outweighs the perils and disadvantages. If it could cut the $20 billion plus spending for mental health a year, that would be a consideration worth looking into. It seems to me that the genuinely religious person would not think his relationship to God was in a sugar cube, a bottle, or a chemical, instead of patience, serenity, humility and just waiting for enlightenment. For social use it seems that marijuana in the streets is over priced for what it is, but then so are the pharmacological drugs. It is only about the money and the oppression of the lower status people, the working classes.
Mental health issues
by YellowLab 29 Replies latest watchtower medical
can't do it patrick; me eyes are going.
Singing Man
Most certainly being a Jehovah's Witness I personally feel contributes greatly to mentally health issues. Anytime you can not have choices as an adult in world full of choices causes problems, even more so being a child in a would full of fun and laughter. Granted kids can not do everything they want, but they are only kids once, it is a wondrous time a time not to be thrown away.
I was raised a Witness too, I feel that most of my school years were years not of learning but of persecution. Why did I have to go through that. I could have excelled in many areas but because I was taught I had to basically hate my life in this world rather than enjoy what good things there is my life became down troden at a young age I was ageing before my time. I love my parents, but I did not love thier choices they made for me.
Ok, you got me to laugh. Blondie
mental illness is not a sign of weakness, and taking meds does not mean u are addicted. Mentat illness is a disease and responds to treatment. treatment varies, could be nutrition, exercise, meds, or all of the above. Even if u took pain killers, if u are taking them for the purpose they are prescribed, u are not addicted. The mere fact u might have to taper off a drug does not mean u are addicted. It means your body builds a tolerance. There is a difference between addiction and tolerance. I have to take pain meds. But i do not take them to get high. I take them for relief of pain that can't be helped otherwise. I do not abuse them. The amount of ignorance about mental health meds is outrageous. Psychiatric meds are not addictive, but some require u taper off . With the possible exceptions of the Benzo's, which can be addictive, but also serve a purpose. The key is using them for the purpose intended and then only as long as needed, and follow doc instructions on how to taper. Why, even some blood pressure meds require u taper. Are they addictive? Of course not, but u can't just stop taking them.
As far as MJ goes, i am so tired of people claiming it is a good thing. Perhaps in terminal cancer, but otherwise no. It makes u fat, it makes u stupid.
According to the cybernetic approach, a human being is made up of sensory organs receiving information from outside the body; sounds, images, odors, temperature and taste, and converting them into signals into the central nervous processor, which is your brain. As this is mediatized according to the chemical potential of the neurotransmitters, and thus does involve hyperbolic metrics. The measurement of a voltage is fundamentally the measurement of the chemical potential of the electron. A humans central nervous system is made up of neurones, in the number of 1E12 to 1E13; exchanging infomation with the entire body through facial nerves, the spinal chord and peripheral nerves. It is the conscience mind that involve the whole nervous system, even peripheric nerves, which is acceptable in the Taoist approach of the human body. The central nervous system treats information and recognies them in comparison to an internal data base of memory. Learning involves such processes and intergration in reflective actions through training the ability towards which result from the autoadaptive function of neurons. A lot of these functions are fully automatized and their disruption is very exceptional, which proves the reliability and spontaneous curing performance of human beings, in normal situations and even extreamly unusual situations through adequate training. Biofeedback is now enabling completely paralyzed people to dictate a letter by voluntary control of a cursor on the screen of a computer, through decoding of voluntary evoked cortical slow potentials on their EEG. I do not think any scientifically recognized telekinetic or telepathic action has even been proved, but direct coupling of mind to matter is possible in my opinion. Western sciences and Christian doctors do not distinguish manifestations of disease that are defenses from those that are defects and consider neurosciences close to a taboo form of witchcraft. You can heal with the conscience mind and the power of thought with training.
The sociological phenomenon of ruling aggregations of oligarchical families, has been consistently associated with a special kind of religious belief since the Chaldean worshipers of that Ishtar whom the New Testament describes as the Whore of Babylon. That Whore is know by various tribal names, including Shakti, Astarte, Venus, Cybele and Isis the Great Mother. In Christian hommage to the memory of Venus, doctors came up with the name "venereal disease." But before Hitler and the "new dark age of lies;" she was known as the Great Mother Earth, Demeter, or the Russian?s Matushka Rus.
To believe in yourself is a good thing.
I am taking Prozac for depression and Adderall for my attention deficit (predominantly inattentive type). I was hesitant to take any medication when I was first diagnosed, but I was having relationship problems and I needed to address them quickly. It was a difficult decision to make, but one of the best I ever did. The Prozac has definitely taken the "edge" off of life's anxieties. My doctor said that Prozac is one of the #1 prescribed medications for depression because it works so well and it's not addictive. The Adderall (which is a class II medication stimulant) can be addictive because it's an amphetamine, but only if you abuse it. If you take it as prescribed (usually once or twice daily), it does not pose problems. And it's done wonders with helping me to get stuff done.
I feel better than I have in years. I couldn't even fathom subjecting myself to the mind control tactics of the Watchtower again.
I've known several former Bethelites who confirmed that a psychologist was on call to deal with some of the problems at the Bethel family. I believe that the consulting pyschologist was from California. He made occasional visits to the NY Bethel. But, more often, it was a phone consultation.
One of those treated was a close relative of mine. She was severely depressed because of the terrible pressure put upon the women serving at Bethel. Eventually, she and her husband left. But while she was there, she had this service available.
Do you feel many Dubs still in "the truth" have mental health issues but are afraid to seek treatment from a "worldly" psychologist or psychiatrist?
YES - no question at all
Country Girl
You're going to hate to read me writing this: but this is one time I'm going to say that if it *weren't* for the JW's, my Mother would be dead from suicide. I sincerely believe it's the only thing that keeps this exceptionally intelligent and sensitive being sane. It gives her life a purpose, and gives her a beautiful hope in an otherwise "nasty" world.
This is her opinion, and not mine. The JW's have caused a lot of problems in my world, which I know you are all familiar with. I am sure that my depression is caused in measure, by bad genetics, and in part by my JW childhood. I have been diagnosed with PTSD, and have my share of non-rational behaviors, believe me. If I had been raised in a "normal" environment, I doubt that it'd be so difficult to deal with "real time."