I decided to check this out too and here are the answers that I came up with to the paragraphs.
Study Article 43
Jehovah Is Directing His Organization
1 - Baptism is an expression of willingness to serve with an eartly organization. (What is Jehovah's earthly organization? Governing Body? Watchtower?)
3 - Love moved Jehovah to give his Son a ransom for all ... even though given for "all", the only ones to benefit are those that listen to and respond to the preaching of the Jehovah's Witness organization, "God's Organization", faith in the ransom sacrifice is not sufficient, one must also ally themselves with the earthly organization.
6 - One of the challenges of Jesus' disciples was that they did not have publications like those provided by Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Inc..
7 - Modern times. Beginning in 1881? Direction largely through God's spirit-inspired Word exclusively explained through the publications of [God's self-appointed earthly] organization.
Watchtower 1881 referenced. Is it okay for Jehovah's Witnesses to reference such old literature? If rank and file do, they will be asked why and where they got the information. 1919 booklet also referenced.
8 - Tools used by "God's (self-proclaimed earthly) Organization"
9 - [Jehovah] wants the [Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's] Kingdom message to be available to all.
With a view to reaching more [hard to reach] people, Jehovah’s [self-proclaimed earthly] organization was moved to consider various forms of public witnessing.
2001,the Governing Body approved the use of literature carts and other displays in France and later in other places as well. The results were positive. In 2011 a pilot program was started in the United States
10 - To improve in your ministry you can take full advantage of the training Jehovah provides at [Jehovah's Witness] meetings. Work regularly with your field service group.
11 - Watchtower inserts the term "governing body" in the paragraph as if it is a biblical term and a "governing body" existed in the first century Christian congregation.
12 - Modern times. (as far back as 1895 - 125 years ago ... modern times?) Again an old Watchtower from 1895 is referenced. What about the other teachings from 1895? Is it okay for the JW to read this old literature? Who decides what was accurate?
13 - You should ask yourself:
Do I promote unity and peace in the congregation?
Am I obedient to [the self-appointed Governing Body, Watchtower representatives, elders]?
Can others depend on me, especially if I have responsibilities in the congregation?
Am I punctual, helpful, and eager to serve?
By improving in these areas, other Jehovah's Witnesses will love and value you more.
14 - According to Colossians 1:9, 10, God educated people in the first century by means of the Spirit.
15 - I haven't seen Isaiah 2:2,3 fulfilled. However, The Watchtower Organization wants you to parrot answers that they have provided in the paragraph. They refer to "in the final part of the days" ... what is this referring to? The time since 1895? 1914? 1925? 1941? 1975? 1984-1995? 2020?
Paragraph refers to "the faithful and discreet slave" this term has changed in meaning throughout Watchtower history. Does [God's self-proclaimed earthly] organization have the definition correct currently? The paragraph links being instructed by God with the teaching devices put out by this group as though they are channeling God. This is why you are not allowed to question what the organization teaches even though they have often taught things that are later considered false. They refer to it as a refinement, light getting brighter, but only they can pick from old literature and decide what can still be quoted as true.
16 - To grow spiritually, you must continue to consume the teachings of the Bible AND from God's [one and only self-proclaimed earthly] organization, [The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, JW.ORG, the Governing Body].
17 - You can show that you faithfully support Jehovah’s [self-proclaimed one and only earthly,] organization [soon to be the only organization left on earth], by:
Working with them to proclaim the message that they channel from God to everyone you meet.
By being obedient and promoting unity in the congregation by not questioning anything that is put forth by the leaders.
By studying publications provided by the organization as spiritual food they channel from God.
If you are loyal and serve with God's [self-proclaimed earthly] organization, you don't have to be afraid as Satan's world comes to its end [very soon].