kindom hall "clicks"

by josephus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • petespal2002

    oh yes!

    I was on the oppo side so no matter how hard I tried to be a "good witness" I never fit in. I just got accused of being too strict.

    All the so called good ones were drinking, fornicating, smoking, swearing!!!!!!!!!!

    Well that's how it seemed anyway. I apologise if this is wrong!

  • invictus

    always on the" fringes of the congregation",always with a feeling that becuse we are immigrants we, somehow are less important and not worthy of being invited, yet those ones who looked down upon us never refused free meals when we invite them over on sundays after the meeting.


  • codeblue

    I attended a KH on time that had about 6 married sisters that pioneered. I would always go out and "support" them. They finally asked me when was I going to pioneer or aux. pioneer? So I thought I would aux. pioneer one month, and signed up. That is the month I had "NO SUPPORT"....hmmm kinda strange don't you think? That was the last time I aux. pioneered....ONLY went out in the f. service because I wanted to whether or not they needed support.

    I was very disappointed in these so called pioneers, most had elder husbands, you would have thought they would have done the same favor for me that I willingly did for them. Yeah....I got tired of "clicks" soon enough.


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