They voted out cute Michelle with no thought of voting out the sleazy nappy blonde haired dirtbag John? What's wrong with these people?
Survivor Pearl Island #5
by Stacy Smith 12 Replies latest social entertainment
You only liked her cuz she was cute......did'n ya now?
Stacy Smith
Was there other reasons to like her? I didn't notice. Hey she was the tribes eye candy and seemed nice.
Rupert is my fav and it ain't cause he's cute
That guy with the white hair is a weasel, all right... I can't stand him. What's with his "crossed arm stance" thingy with the peace symbols??? He is a hipster doofus and should be buried in the sand until voted out... what an ass. I truly despise him.
Rufus is soooo cool! He is like a big ol' sweaty teddy bear... and works his ass off! He deserves to win, but that's waay to early to figure that out yet...
Survivor: better than canadian politics. Much much better...
I'm not proud of it, but she looked good even when she was leaning over barfing, lol. Tennis chic legs and all, y'know?
Yeah, I don't see any strategy to it, I mean, they seemed to acknowledge that maybe their team was too strong, so why not kick off a strong guy, or a strong conniver/weasel?
Stacy Smith
she looked good even when she was leaning over barfing
I think that might have been her best camera angle. Did you notice Rupert covering up her barf with sand while she was still barfing? That was pretty cool. But Rupert wrote her name on the ballot and I guess that's the first time I've been mad at him.
I'd hate to think that John turd could end up winning. That would drive me nucking futs.
I think that might have been her best camera angle.
I agree We should date sometime. Who should we date?
Yep, Rupert's a stud. Perhaps my own finest hour was running and holding a barf pan for the all-alone-new-mom sharing the hospital room with my ex when FOSL was born. I can still see the colors.
Stacy Smith
Who should we date?
Let's date Michelle. We can share a Michellewich for lunch sometime.
Gotta say, I would have rather seen Jon go... but agree with the decision. Michelle should have played her role in the challenge and made it look like it was *really* difficult for her. She swallowed that stuff like it was nothing, of course they weren't going to pick her. The Drake tribe had a good plan and she fell through.
Sixy, you're a stud!