Sox, Cubs......I Believe

by rocketman 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    I believe in curses. The Billygoat. The Bambino.

    The Sox just lost to the Yankees 6-5 after leading by three in the 8th.

    We all know what happened to the Cubs.

    And I believe in the Rally Monkey too, from last year's Angels (though I guess he's looking for work these days, poor little fella).

    This is all in kidding, but it does make me wonder.....are some teams "cursed"? I guess it just gets inside their heads, I don't know. But it's weird, that's for sure.

  • Sassy

    Sorry, I've been watching the sports page for MLB on yahoo and rooting for the Yankees. My Twins haven't made it far in a long time and my bf's team is the Yankees. Gotta suport my man.

  • Aztec

    The Tigers are cursed! They suck...curse of the Aztecs?


  • joannadandy
    curse of the Aztecs?

    Isn't that when you get the poops from drinking the water in Mexico?

  • Mac

    I just heard on radio that the billy goat curse was Greek in origin and can be broken by facing east and spitting three times......I'm not very superstitious myself but, what the hell.......phtttt, phttttt, phtttttt..........maybe next year!!!


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I really wanted my Giants to break the Red Sox's hearts this year but my team didn't even come close. Oh well. But it would have been great to see both the Cubs and the Red Sox in the series. I would have paid attention to that. Now I could care less who wins.

    Our ballpark in San Francisco is really great. I don't know if any of you have visited Pac Bell but it's so nice. Best food around and seeing a baseball clear the rightfield wall and splash into McCovey cove is something you don't forget.

    Go Barry

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    RM, the Bosox had early opportunity's to put the ball game away, and they couldn't execute. It was going thier way until they left the pitcher in too long. I'm going to blame the manager. When the opposing team begins to hit the pitcher its a warning sign to yank him out, instead the Yankess yank him out. Personally, I didn't think the Cubs and Sox would make it the World Series, though I would love to have seen them play against each other. Florida has that fighting spirit, a come from behind team. I want to see a good World Series, not one those runaways. Curse? We can always second guess ourselves, can't we?

    Guest 77

  • zev

    yankee fan living deep deep in red sox world, i work about 25 miles away from fenway.

    i gave up on the red sox years ago after many years of hope.

    last night proves that they just dont have it, and reinforces my decision to keep on cheering the yanks on.

    last night's games was going to be a much anticipated pitchers duel. two of the best out there with everything on the line.

    once again, the sox choked when they needed to gidddyyup.

    work will be interesting today. i've been telling the guys all week, in the end the yanks will beat the sox.

    time for me to gloat.

  • Sassy

    There is nothing like a little team rivalry at work. I love it!!

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Zev, where in Boston? I grew up in the south -end in the mid-forties. My dad and brothers worked on the original John Hancock. My eldest brother lives in Abington. Give me a shout.

    Guest 77


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