wow .....what a story........I did not know that there was no more food served at the assembles...........I guess it has been a while since i went? So does everyone bring their own food now? And if there is no more food sevice.....does someone still sit beside the $$$$$$$$ box?
hope you had time to eat your lunch after writing all that...
XJW_B12: All I can say is that those touch-typing classes in High School did help!
Mortons68: I'm surprised you didn't know about this! They instituted this "simplification arrangement" way back when even Yours Truly was still going to Conventions (eek). There's a variety of reasons why they did it, but I suspect the primary one was the fact that catering for food for thousands of people was costing them some serious $$$, and we all know what the Society's stance on losing money is, don't we? Everyone's supposed to bring their own food to the Conventions now, but apparently more and more people are simply hitting nearby restaurants these days...hehe...and thanks, I ate my lunch before I wrote it!
Well because it is written like a novel And you didn't even edit it before ... Wow ... Already told you somewhere 1 or 2 days ago about your other poste : Write a book !!!
BerylBlue: (Are you really blue? Here's a hug then: ((((Beryl)))))
I was always taught that those who die at A. are not resurrected. Their lives are over. Period. That's it. Just as in the days of Noah, no one from back then will be resurrected. I always thought, "How do you know ? Did Jehovah tell you this?" Yup. These wicked Chinese need to die. It's sickening.
Exactly! (almost) A billion beautiful people...dead...and God is love? Whatever!
well not exactly- friday morning at bethel used to be ASK THE WRITING DEPT A QUESTION and this question came up and GB Ted Jasraz answered it
he used the bible text which says something about HOW THEY WOULD NOT COMPLETE THE CIRCUIT
LOOK UP the word circuit on cdrom, can't think of the bible text
anyway Jaraz explained that we would not preach to every single person on earth and that jah would read their heart and they would be ok
that was explained to the bethel family back in the 80s when i was there
thanks for the update on the "food thing" It has been about 17 years since I attended a convention,but i do remember they had awsome friut bags..........I guess things have really changed......thanks again
Viv: Well, that's the German. Somehow "Skoonheid van vo ë lsang" just sounds better...but that's Afrikaans for you...I guess more people speak German though. And Dutch. There's only a couple of million people in the world who speak my mother tongue
JT: Yeah. At times in the past, people told me conflicting things about this, but that seems to be the official "word up" on it, so we'll take that particular ball and run with it. In either case, it makes the entire Ministry pretty pointless, doesn't it?