Aparently Edward N. Davis is classified as either a "type 1" or "type 2" sex offender, because the Spokane Sheriff's Department does not list him (not yet) on the type 3 sex offender list. It also seems that the Spokane Sheriff limits the availablity of the information: it is freely (?) available at "COP Shops" throughout Spokane, but much more difficult to find via the internet. I did find out that there are four sex offenders with registered addresses within a half mile of the Kingdom Hall Brother Davis attends.
I wonder if they're all elders? Not yet, probably.
By the way, that Kingdom Hall is:
Jehovah's Witnesses - Opportunity Congregation
15704 East Sprague Avenue, Veradale, WA 99037
(509) 926-6817
according to the yellow pages.