The Defacto JW Manifesto

by Spudinator 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Spudinator

    If a "critical mass" of Witnesses started to observe the following, what kind of reaction to you think HQ would have? What percentage of Witnesses would you consider to be a "critical mass?" In other words, how many does it take to make behavior snowball? Could it lead to any lasting change? Your serious comments, criticisms and further suggestions are welcomed.

    1. Support the Theocratic Ministry School. This is an invaluable class in public speaking.
    2. Do not support the Service Meeting. In the current format it is usually just Watchtower Corporation self-trumpeting fanfare.
    3. The Book Study format leaves a lot to be desired, but it is the closest thing to 1st Century Christianity that the organization promotes. If the book is OK, fine, otherwise give it a pass. It will help that the Isaiah Book Volume 2 study is (finally!) completed.
    4. The Public Talk is probably worth supporting. Nothing is perfect, and there are talks that go on and on about the "Slave", but overall, it is OK.
    5. Do not support the Watchtower Study. It is usually mind-control at its most confusing. Sometimes the brothers have no choice if they are assigned readers, so if you must, print out Blondie's weekly commentary to combat this weekly dose of corporate poison. Otherwise go home and mow your lawn.
    6. Do not support field service. Why draw some other hapless unfortunate into this religous morass? Instead, play a game called "How low can you go" which refers to FS hours. The game is really fun if you have responsibilities in the congregation.
    7. Support your local Kingdom Hall contributions, but never contribute to the Worldwide Work or anything having to pass through HQ's hands.
    8. Do not attend District Conventions. If you do, you just empty your own pockets and simultaneously line the Society's. Why do that? Local Assembly Days are at your own discretion. If nothing else, they are great get together times for seeing old friends.
    9. If asked to give a public prayer never ask for Jehovah's blessing on the "Slave." Never even mention the "Slave," keep it scriptural!
    10. Stay upbeat and don't let the routine or nay-sayers wear you down. Take breaks when necessary.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Well, it's kind of like asking "what would Catholics be like if they kept doing confession, which is good for you, but stopped with infant baptism and got rid of the priestly class altogether?" Entertaining but not very fricking likely.

    However, if you feel like nailing this on some Kingdom Hall doors, I'll send you some nails and a hammer.

  • RubaDub

    Spud ... excellent points.

    I have felt for years that there is so much opportunity to help people at the meetings (those of us that are still "in") that is missed.

    Book Study: ( 1 hour) Yes, this could and SHOULD be the most informative meeting of the week given the fact that there are small groups and the opportunity for a lot of interaction. PRACTICAL material for families and coping with day-to-day life could be discussed in an informal environment. Instead, now we rehash over and over again which head of which beast means what ... or how this dream means this or that ... the lampstands picture this, the 24 elders picture that ...... and on and on and on ........ and then find out what we "knew" last week has changed when the "new light" thing happens ......

    Ministry School: (1 hour 15 minutes) Yes, great for public speaking and reading. This is one meeting that DOES help us in the real world. I have seen many otherwise intelligent people at work who suffered because they did not have good speaking skills. More, shorter (3-4 minute) parts should be part of the program.

    Public Talk: (45 minutes) Also good. Just keep the topics relevent to daily life.

    Watchtower Study: (30 minutes) Discuss a REAL biblical topic or account, NOT just repeating words from the Watchtower and patting the FDS on the back. Some weeks could be discussions about the life of a person, both those in biblical times and those in our time like the Awake presents periodically.

    Service Meeting: Eliminate it. Simply include an announcement portion in the ministry school. Any other information could simply be included in one of the ministry school parts.

    Change is NEEDED.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Here are some of my suggestions:

    1. Please reduce the meetings to just twice per week and 60 mins each time. This can be done easily by doing away with the book study meeting, combining the school and service meeting into one, reduce the Public Talk to 25 mins, and the Watchtower study to 25 mins.
    2. Please just print one magazine, you may make it a little thicker if you wish; and also only one issue per month.
    3. This shunning/disfellowshipping thing is not working out in this day and age. Modigy it please; like so many more important issues, please leave it to people's conscience.
    4. Please only celebrate a 2-day assembly per year. In lieu of the other two assemblies, you may celebrate a special 2-hour Sunday meeting twice per year.
    5. Please do away with this monthly informing of service hours, studies, and literature. The Organization can measure its progress by KH meeting attendance.

    I feel confident that in due time the New Light will show how reasonable these changes are.

  • willyloman

    Many threads have consumed space here on the topic of WT reform. In the end, the futility becomes apparent and the threads die.

    For a long time, I felt "reform" was the ticket. When a man I've known for many years was appointed to the GB, I wrote him a long, detailed 8-page letter which I labeled a report from the front lines; in it, I outlined a number of changes in congregational/meeting structure which I thought would be beneficial and that were based on private conversations I have had with many brothers and sisters including other elders. Before I mailed the letter I heard from a sister that this GB member had been the featured speaker at some special event on the other side of the continent and that in his closing remarks he had said a number of reactionary things clearly identifying him with the Neanderthal wing of the JW party. So I changed my mind; the letter remains filed away.

    If you're interested, the plan was roughly this: Cut meeting schedule back to one night a week and encourage publishers to use the other night for personal study, meeting preparation, bible reading. The new one-night-a-week meeting would last for an hour so as to allow the friends plenty of time for socializing. The format: 40 minutes for a school with all talks focused on biblical topics and scriptures; 5-10 minutes for announcements; a service-related talk not to exceed 10 minutes. The book study, already dealt a mortal blow by spending 3 years in a verse by verse fantasy based on Isaiah, would be laid to rest.

    The Sunday meeting would be shortened to one hour, with a 30-minute talk based solely on scriptural admonitions aimed at living a better Christian life, and a 15 minute summary of an the current WT article done in the form of a talk, convention style. The rest of the time would be devoted to announcements, song and prayer.

    Do away with field service as a requirement, and replace it with a Saturday morning Meeting for Christian Service and Good Works. At this meeting, my (former) vision was an informal gathering where the elders would have 3x5 cards and would sit at a long folding table with signs indicating the various service "options." Friends could go to the appropriate "desk" and get an assignment. Options would include: Cleaning the KH interior; exterior yard work; visiting JWs who are ill (name, address, phone, map on the 3x5 card); visiting new members of the congregation and taking a 'welcome basket' to them; organizing and leading youth activities, such as softball, field trips, etc. The list was longer and included optional, voluntary evangelizing work loosely based on the present field service arrangement, but you get the idea. All of this "service" would be reported monthly without establishing any special credit to one form of service or another. The results would be shared with the congregation each month so people would know what was being accomplished.

    I also included a total revamping of the entire judicial process, including a provision that an elder be appointed as "defense counsel" to accused persons; in the new scheme of things, no announcements would ever be made; discipline would be probationary and for short, specific periods of time, and would be limited to service restrictions; banishment, or DF, would be highly unusual and limited to heinous acts where the perpetrator was clearly unremorseful; such punishment would be subject to automatic review by a "higher court" of area elders who would be selected from among those with many years of experience and who would undergo specialized training.

    Further suggestions included creation of a Relief Society, to be run by mature sisters who would care for the sick, depressed and destitute among us. Their work would be funded by the congregation, and these sisters would get professional training in mandatory seminars presented by professionals in the mental health, welfare and social services field.

    A "youth ministry" would be established, in which qualified and well-screened volunteers would get special training and then advise youngsters on such topics as: Doing well in school; getting an education; playing on school sports teams without compromising Christian integrity; how to get in to a good college. Other topics would include identifying bad behavior on the part of abusive adults, including parents, and what to do about it.

    Re-reading this, it all sounds pretty good, and there may be other suggestions that might be made. However, and this is the most important thing on this page, THIS IS ALL JUST A PIPE DREAM. It ain't gonna happen in our lifetime (unless you're, like, 12). Recognizing that, I have set this dream aside and moved on.

  • blondie

    Those are a lot of good suggestions, willyloman. Unfortunately, even if they are good or necessary the hierarchy in the WTS will not listen or obey. It reminds me how the Pharisees would not even listen to the Son of God...not that you are the Messiah or that I am for that matter.

    I like the Saturday one....nothing says we can't do that on our own.


  • willyloman
    not that you are the Messiah

    Another illusion shattered. Thanks, Blondie!

  • Spudinator

    Willyloman, your report is impressive! Much better reasoned out than anything else I have ever heard of or seen in JW-land.

    I am curious though about the GB member you know of. Did he change his opinions after rising to GB status? It seems like you must have thought him open to some new thought if you prepared a report of this kind of detail and high caliber thinking.

    Too bad I'm not 12! These kind of changes would make all the difference. Sincere thanks for posting your thoughts.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    So, spud, when you say that "these kinds of changes would make all the difference", would you mind expanding on that a bit?Thanks.

  • Spudinator

    Phantom, my comment meant that it would mean the advent of "kinder and gentler" JWs, which is pretty much what I'm about.


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