How much do the holidays mean to you?

by freedom96 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I grew up a witness, so therefore of course I never had any of the holidays, though I wanted to do them badly.

    I left in my mid- twenties, and was single for quite some time. During this time, there never was really any need to celebrate any of the holidays. So many of them were meant for families anyways, and all mine were far away. From time to time I would go over someones house on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but never did anything at my house, let alone have a tree or something.

    A couple of years ago I got remarried, and my wonderful wife loves the holidays. She too grew up a witness, so now is her chance to do all the holiday activities that she too never got to do. My sister is very much the same, where holidays mean everything to her.

    For me, I don't get quite as excited as my wife. Oh, I enjoy watching her decorate her tree, etc, she gets so happy. But for me, I just don't have the same feeling. I don't know why. I have not gotten myself wrapped up into it. I certainly don't believe it is wrong or anything, I simply just don't get as excited.

    Of course I have a good time, and I enjoy treating my wife for her birthday or mothers day, but the other holidays, is just doesn't do a whole lot for me. I hope that changes. And like I said before, I don't have any inner feelings at all about maybe it is wrong. That couldn't be farther from the truth.

    I do sincerely hope I get the feeling, and can get into the spirit of it all, for I know that so many do enjoy it, and I want to enjoy them for my children.

    I wonder if it is because I did without for so long. Any of you feel the same way, or did you jump at the chance to celebrate the holidays?

  • iiz2cool

    This is the first year that I'll be able to celebrate holidays, and I'd like to. No plans yet though.


  • bebu

    What usually helps me get into a good Christmas mood is GOOD Christmas music (I hate elevator Christmas music). Christmas caroling is really fun, too!

    Soft Christmas lights on neighbors houses.

    Hot chocolate by a fire, cozy with your family.

    Getting gifts for people I love. And wrapping them all.

    Special displays and events. Even something like watching a Santa with tiny kids.

    Watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Story" (a comedy) on TV with the family. Both classics.

    Going to watch a children's Christmas pageant.

    Eating lots of fattening things.

    It's not just Christmas day, it's the whole season that can be enjoyed. There is something for all senses. I think you could focus on the things that appeal to you the most.

    After a few seasons, you find that you look forward to them. It is a taste you really can cultivate!

    Ho ho ho,


  • Mac

    I like turkey, I like ham....I do not like green eggs and spam!! (if ya wants to send me presents, I like that too.......request an address for forwarding and I'll E-mail it to you.....(Items valued at less than $100 shall be returned to sender)

    mac, of the appreciates the commercialism class

    (J/K...having a Soupy Sales moment)

  • Dimples

    Always Them.

    I became a jw as an adult. It really broke my heart when they told me holidays were pagan and we shouldn't

    couldn't celebrate them.

    Now that I am out and freehave been celebrating now, this will be 4 years. My kids love them.

    Woo Hoo...........


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Had my first XMas at 21. It's my favorite holiday.

    Holidays are opportunities. Every holiday is an opportunity to demonstrate through words and actions that I care about people, those in my life and those not, and that they are more important to me than doctrine or dogma.

    When relationships are shallow and communication is lacking, any celebration is just going through the motions (sound like Nisan 14 to anyone?)

  • Country_Woman

    I am not special celebrating the holidays.
    As for X-mas I don't like the idea getting stuffed with food, but I certainly enjoy the free days off work (2 days here).
    Gifts here are given with Sinterklaas = 5 December, complete with rhymes and in surprise wrapping, especially nice when there are children....

  • Gadget

    This is going to be my first christmas, and I haven't made any plans for it yet. I have no recollection of any christmas's before becoming a jw(At 3 yrs old), and it doesn't really hold any meaning to me. That'll probably change when I get a family, and I'll make sure I make a big deal of it when I have kids. I love all the parties that are coming up though!

  • rwagoner

    I was a lot like you when I first left freedom...was single so spent most holidays working double or triple shifts to make al lthe extra $$ and to let the family people stay home.

    Now I have a wife (never in the Dub's) and a 5 year old son...and I LOVE the the point of going too far...if you've ever seen Nation Lampoon's Xmas Vacation movie...that is my house...Lights, decorations, 12 foot tree...we even make sleigh tracks in the snow with skis and toss out chocolat covered raisins to look like reigndeer doodoo for my that wacky or what *LOL*


  • SanFranciscoJim

    Perhaps I would be a bit less annoyed by Christmas if they didn't start advertising for it before Halloween (as they are already doing here).

    When I was a little kid, Thanksgiving Day (U.S. - end of November) marked the beginning of the Christmas "season". That "season" seems to be getting longer and longer every year.

    It's nice for the kiddies to have the holiday, but for crissakes, by the time I'm old and gray, the Christmas "season" will be starting around Easter if this trend continues. Doesn't seem to be helping the retailers out very much, either.

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