Ghettopoly .....why not BORGOPOLY !!!

by RubaDub 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • doodle-v

    LOL! great idea!!

    so who's willing to put together a prototype?? Any volunteers?

    being a JW is all about "counting time" , so collecting service hours is a great idea!! LOL

    "chance card"--- go to Judicial Commitee, go directly to Judicial Commitee, do not pass go do not collect 200 service hours. hehe!!

    how bout this for a "theocratic" card-- you had to take time off for the district convention which caused you to you lose your job cleaning windows, but now you can spend more time in the ministry! collect 50 service hours


  • Gamaliel

    Rub a Dub,

    Excellent! I love it. I think we should all try to brainstorm the property names, the content of each of the cards. There's probably enough ideas floating around here already with forum thread titles, parody Watchtower covers, picture captions, etc. When all the text and graphics are donated and voted upon for the final production, at least 100 of us should pay for our copy in advance to get it manufactured* and then Simon could distribute it from this site for 80% as the publisher, and Rub a Dub should get 19% for the idea, and 1% to Parker Brothers for their royalty.

    *It would be cheapest to manufacture as just a set of new tokens and some "stickers" to add onto the current Monopoly board, cards and properties. It could be made inexpensively.

    Borgopoly, Theocrapy, Tower-topple-y, Dubopoly?


  • free will
    free will

    this is great...i'd buy one!

  • ScoobySnax


    you know, you really are a witty guy. That made me laugh. JWD should occupy Old Kent Road, a bit cheap, and you stumble on it just after you think you've got past GO onto further theocratic activity. ..............nah I'm only kidding!

  • drwtsn32

    You all are hilarious!! I love Monopoly...and I'm sure I'd really like a Borgified version.

  • avengers

    Just as I'm trying to forget all this crap, someone decides to make a game out of it.

    If you guys would decide to make a game like that I would buy them all and run over them with a bulldozer making sure these kind of games will never come into existence again. Actually this should be done to the real WT game.

  • gaiagirl

    Of, course, there would also have to be cards (perhaps drawn when landing on the 'Judicial Committee' space), causing the player to be reproved, disfellowshipped, and reinstated. Perhaps there could even be a 'Free Reinstatement' card.


  • worldlygirl

    How about Armageddonopoly? No money necessary, you just go around the board choosing properties of the deceased. I know it sounds boring, but geez, you have like 10 bizillion years to play!

  • berylblue

    Very funny, rub

  • Badger

    1. The cheap-ass Medierranean and Baltic would be the hated high-rise apartment territories...While the Boardwalk-Park Place would be the sought-after rural territories.

    2. Income tax is now Pedophilia coverup...except you take 10% from the poorest player.

    3. Railroads would instead be the dates that the End was to come on....1879, 1914, 1975, 2000...

    4. Water Works and Electric Co. are now Brooklyn and Patterson...and you can lock opponents out of both.

    5. Free parking is replaced by Field Service Break.

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