WTS No longer "welcoming" people to Brooklyn
by blondie 15 Replies latest jw friends
The Brooklyn buildings including the sign made JWs in NYC special and something to have pride in.
From the days of Russell & Rutherford to the 2000s the buildings were an icon of the organization.
But after they left, upstate New York just does not invoke the same pride.
More evidence of the organizations fade.
I remember being on the other side after working a full weekend in RBC construction at Bossart hotel in the 80's with my JW buddies and asking people, "what is that sign, watchtower".
We would get some funny responses.
Of course at the time, we were filled with righteousness that we knew all those people were blind, and probably gonna die any day now at the BIG A!
I wonder where that idea came from, Rattigan350, that the sign made NYrs proud. The people in Brooklyn Heights found the WTS an irritant reading the Brooklyn newspaper, The Eagle. Just wondering. I don't think people in Manhattan were proud every day they saw the WT sign.
The time of the day on that sign was the only thing wt got right about timing. and
they themselves should have read the bible every day, and applied it like:
"--It is not given to you to understand times and seasons-- that is in the Father's jurisdiction --" off limits to you. and a enjoinder given to future members of the first governing body bsw. "
The Society has distanced itself from the rank and file.
At least on a cold day you could have walked into the Brooklyn Bethel to warm up for a bit. Now it's guard posts, walls and fences.... the message is........ your not welcome.
911 shook them up........ as if a bunch of wild eyed Muslims thought they would be a really important target. Apparently the GB didn't think Jehovah was going to protect them.The GB cowards wanted a more secure place to live in.
Lets move to upstate New York!
Let's be honest here......... the plan to move the WTBTS to upper N.Y. was simply a plan to make sure the 'owners'...... the governing body.......... had a secure and pleasant place to live in.
But they picked badly .....unless you think there's nothing better then to live by a polluted lake and on polluted ground. Well the new world is coming..............
High tailing it into a remote area is the usual fall back move of every crazy religion. Build a moat, a fence, or bridge and hide behind the barricades and screw everyone that made this possible.
You got a problem....... don't show up at the new WT facility with your bull shit. There's no one home.
But it's nice to be a GB and have their cling-on helpers and live next to a polluted lake and breath polluted country air. Couldn't happen to nicer people.
Why is the lake and air polluted there?
Giordano said.....
"Apparently the GB didn't think Jehovah was going to protect them.The GB cowards wanted a more secure place to live in."
No, it was all about money and property value. It made sense. They made a killing from the sale of the Brooklyn properties, now they have a top class custom built HQ designed for 21st Century and change in the pocket.
Does not matter to the rank and file. They will still bow down to where ever the GB took its last dump
Hi Zeb,
"Why is the lake and air polluted there?"
Read about it here:
Apparently they.......... the WT Society didn't do their due dalliance in selecting this site for their new headquarter's......... or maybe they did know as a way to sue for damages.
Warwick site contaminated
By Jimspace, June 10, 2015 in Interchange of Encouragement & Worldwide Brotherhood