Yep, you heard correctly. I'm glad I was a JW (from a certain standpoint). You're probably thinking I've finally lost my last remaining brain cell, if you haven't thought that before. Why would anyone say they were happy to have been a JW??? Was it the riveting, informative meetings? Was it the priviledge of speaking to people about the bible watchtower? Was it the fine upbuilding association in the congregations? No, it wasn't any of these things.
Think about it, if I was never a JW, then I could never have become an X-JW. If I weren't an X-JW I would never have had a reason to find this board. And I would never have met some of the beautiful people I've met through this board, both online and in person. In the few months I've been here, everyone, without exception, has given me encouragement and insight through their posts, PM's, and phone calls. I've even been lucky enough to meet a few in person, and have formed friendships that I hope will last a long, long time. Some have listened to my rants in private (you all know who you are), for which I am very thankful. And I'd like to thank Simon, who has had the vision, desire and patience to take something as negative as the BORG and turn it into something positive here on this forum.
You are all helping people with shattered lives find meaning again.
It must be at least a week since I've seen a group hug/pinch/grope going on here, so as of this moment you may all consider yourselves hugged/pinched/groped (according to your personal preference).