I'm drunk. . I'm sad. . I hurt a friend. . I suck. .
by StinkyPantz 28 Replies latest jw friends
(((((SP))))) You do not suck. Well, maybe you do, and maybe you even swallow , but you don't suck in the way you meant. You are a sweet, smart woman. If you hurt a friend... well, that can happen, nobody is perfect. When you get sober again, you just make an apology, and make up with your friend.
Blue Bubblegum Girl
Self forgiveness is a must...now go talk to your friend!
mac(You are so unsucky)
When you get sober again, you just make an apology, and make up with your friend
I guess it depends on whether it's hurt as in 'said something unkind' or hurt as in 'I filled them with lead from my Magnum'
It's always good to apologise if we've caused unnecessary hurt.
StinkyMaybe you should avoid alcool espacially when you are in this situation (it can become an habit and then you can become an alcoolique) please take care ... (not easy to get out of it then ...)
Just apologize ... It works most of the time
yaby frenchface...*hiccup*...that is yust sooo mulch shitbull!
I guess it depends on whether it's hurt as in 'said something unkind' or hurt as in 'I filled them with lead from my Magnum'
Simons post illustrates there are degrees of hurt. I doubt if you hurt him/her in the extreme way mentioned above, but you did hurt someone and maybe a face to face discussion might be helpful, alcohol is not. Bug
Buggershut is left as always......*hiccup*...errrrr...I mean left
Yawks..i mint rit!