I would like to share with you the following comparison that is based from the book THE FIRM by John Grisham:
The main character is Mitchell McDeere, a young advocate who was recruited by a small, but well-respected law firm. They promised him a colourful future if he abide with their codes. (nice officee, good wage, car, house, friends, holidays, etc.
Time passed, dedicating all his energy in the firm. Because of it, the relationship with his wife started deteriorating. One day, he noticed some secret files. This led him to investigate. Soon, he realised who were really behind the firm. The problem? There was no way out, he was trapped. If he spoke, they would silence him (by killing him as they already did to others). If he try to run away, he would loose everything, and the worst, they would chase him. The only alternative, play the ostrich game and become like the rest. This is where nightmares begin ...
Does this novel remind you in something? Two friendly faces, approach your door, proposing a free 'Bible Study', only one hour a week. The first deception, turns to be a 'book study' and not really a 'Bible Study'. From the beginning, the student is encouraged to answer from the book (which is not really from his own) From "just only one hour a week", becomes nearly a full engagement. Because of it, sadly to say, many couples finally, ended up dived.
If the student (who by now is baptised) wants his many new 'friends' and 'privledges' he has to abide to The Society codes, which are many: how to dress, what to read, which music to listen, what to celebrate, who to court, what medecine to accept, how to educate his kids, what to practise in bed, etc.
One day, he notice another change in the WTS teachings. This leads him to investigate. He soon discover, he is misled on many other things. The Gpverning Body, are not much better than the other religious leaders, who are hypocrites, teach one thing, but they do the opposite. Now, what should he do? If he speaks, the Elders would disfellowship him. (in a night he would loose everything) If he walks out, he is disassociated, same consequences, (also his file keeps running after him). And if he try to plat the ostrich, his conscience keeps bothering him, for being an hypocrite§ Therefore, he realize, that there is no honorable way out from the WTS. His nightmares begin ...
Went through it all!!!!