I think you know2much!
Minimus & His Mother
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
Instead of smacking her with a WT volume, you could take the tracts and make little paper airplanes out them, tiny ones. Then when she goes to take a nap you could fly them into her hairdo.
We used to joke that those ribbons in the deluxe Bibles were really put there so you could hold onto them and then swing the Bible around and wack people in the head with it. Thus you would be biblebeating them.
Heather S.
Heather, you're my kind of gal.
Big Tex
Min, remember the old cliche: None so blind as those who will not see.
I gave Nina's father a copy of Crisis of Conscience. He read it, cover to cover, and gave it back to me. He told me he didn't "disagree with anything in that book." But it didn't change his mind. He said he would be a Witness till the day he died.
Four months later, he was dead.
I believe God gave a brain for a reason. We use it, we can benefit. We don't, we won't. Be patient with your mother, but realize ultimately it's her choice. And also realize that if the rocks cried out to her the same words as you, she would respond the same way.
Humans are funny creatures.
JW's remain JW's for the same reason Catholics say: "I was born a Catholic and I'm gonna die a Catholic"......Really, no good reason.
Cool, Minimus. I'm pleased you liked my suggestion.
Artist's rendidition of what your mom would look like after her nap. Blissfully unaware of the little airplanes in her hair. Hey, do they still make evil bad apostate literature? You could make planes from that. She might absorb the info through osmosis. Heh, heh, heh.
Heather S.
I can't see the picture but don't you be talking bad about my momma.
Egad, your dialogue gave me unpleasant flashbacks of living with my mom. I wasn't prepared for that today.
At least you try, Min. (((HUGS))) to your mom for loving her son although he is an apostate. LOL
See, she THINKS I'm just going thru some crisis. She's HOPING that eventually (before it's too late) I'll come around.
Not making fun of your mom, Mini. Just adding a little dark humor to a frustrating situation.
The pic is of Dana Carvey's Churchlady character looking very happy. I drew little paper airplanes in her hair with windows paint. I just thought it gentler than smacking her with a WT volume. Forgive me pleeeease. My whole family is into the dark humor thing. We use it as a coping mechanism. Sometimes people take us seriously, like when we used to joke about the biblebeating.
Heather S.