just fine ... the thing is, technically, as far as JW's are concerned, I'm inactive, I haven't been to the Kingdom Hall in 7 years. I have no problem not being included with my wife in JW activities, I'm sure she gets fewer invitations to do things with JW friends since she became a sister who's husband has faded.
Sure, we know JW's are to avoid unnecessary contact with faded JW's, but this is a family wedding. "Worldly" relatives are invited. It would seem proper to invite her husband to their niece's wedding. I can't imagine accepting an invitation to an event like this that blatantly excluded my wife.
I can't even understand the thought process. What even went through the family member's mind when preparing the guest list?
On the one hand, YAY! I don't have to go to this wedding! On the other hand ... seriously?
I really don't give a rat's ass about going to the wedding. I'm hurt for my daughter and how she has been treated. I'm pissed at my wife because whenever there are opportunities to stand by her husband, she will always yield to anything cult related.
... Jeez! I could go on and on and ....