What is it with Texas weather?

by Elsewhere 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • tinkerbell82

    send me some of that it has taken a turn for FREEZING around here lately. pool season is officially over. siiiiigh....

  • Elsewhere

    Aztec, now THAT is my kind of weather! Not too cold... not too hot... and great for starting up the fireplace.

    Tink, I'll have Old Man Winter blow some of our warm air over....

  • animal

    I am almost ready for the leathers in the morning..... goes down to 70....

  • Sassy

    I really thought about moving to Texas, but man it does get hot there!

  • morty

    if you want cold.........come here........Canada!...it is starting to get very cold at night and in the mornings....


    Oh how I wish it were in the 80s here.

    Right now, it's chilly, and well.....cold. Not that bad, compared to the full force of winter.

    I'm not far from Detroit, Buffalo, or Cleveland, and our weather is perhaps a tad cooler, but snowfall will very depending upon your proximity to one of the Great Lakes.

    Anyways, I'd rather be in Texas right now. Anyone want to trade places

  • Sassy

    I grew up on one of the Great Lakes. I know about cold. (people don't always realize it gets hot in summer too)

  • Mutz

    I live in the UK, please explain this Summer thing to me. Someone told me it's like rain but dry, is this true? I have read some old books and they mentioned Summer, but I think they were making it up! :)

  • calamityjane
    I think the hot weather is sticking around so Calamityjane and xjw_b12 will feel like they're far, far from home!

    Quit complaining Elsehwere, we would like some warm weather when we get down there. So hopefully the trend for warm weather will continue into next week.

    5 more sleeps to go.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Native Texan here....along the Gulf Coast, the nites don't cool off till October, then days start cooling more in November......December and January yo-yo from pretty warm to cool or cold 'n frosty....February usually gets pretty cold, but begins to warm towards March, when Spring does spring and by April yer already heading for Summer weather again....

    Frannie B

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