I am going to huck!

by joannadandy 25 Replies latest jw friends


    And Joannadandy: YOU ARE!

    Minnesota is a fine state, and even finer with someone like yourself waiting in the wings to teach your state's students, a worthy education, served with respect, admiration and humanity.

    I know you are probably NOT going to sleep tonight, you poor thing (Rayzorblade gives Joannadandy a hug). Hope you'll drop off for a couple of hours.

    Guaranteed, after the initial FIRST day, you'll go home afterwards, and crash, or at least be so exhausted come sundown, you'll sleep until Tuesday morning no problem!

    Best of luck, remember....this will be your first day, and I'm sure many other Minnesotan soon-to-be teachers, have experienced similarly.

    Remember, Interstate 35 ends at Duluth, and if you take U.S. Route 61 north to Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, you can go up and say "HOWDY" to XJW_B12 and Calamity Jane. And you know full well, us Canucks would snap you up in a heartbeat.

    You're going to be fine. I'm confident in it!


  • moonwillow

    Good Luck!!

    You'll be great

  • Brummie

    eeek sounds nerve racking to say the least. You will do really well, best of luck Jo, let us know how it goes.

  • joannadandy

    Thanks everyone--I really do appreciate it.

    I did get to sleep without too much difficulty. It helped I was really tired and had been up all day. Oh yeah and having to slowly count backwards from 347 always makes me fall asleep round about the 150 range.

    But man I had weird dreams. I dreamed I was late. I over slept. I couldn't find any of my clothes. I'd put something on and find the zipper was torn, I couldn't find my shoes, and the whole time my mom was yelling at me saying I couldn't drive myself to the school so she would have to do it.


    And I was so mad. And I was already late, I kept thinking, I'll just call the teacher and say I am sick--then I won't go. But I am already late, so he'll know that's the real reason I'm not there, plus if I call late, it doesn't matter because ehe still needs to know before noon that I'm not gonna be there.

    I woke up very stressed already.

    Although I am laughing at it now.

    Sorry I can't teach today folks, I can't find shoes that match my outfit!

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Good luck!!!

    You will do fine.


  • MoeJoJoJo

    Let us know how your first day went.

  • shera

    You'll do great.

  • little witch
    little witch


    You will be great! I am sure you didnt go into this blindly, you have the gift!!

    I do sympathize with you for having to deal with teenagers though, LOL.

    No, really, you will excell, I just know it!!!

    Congrats to you for all your hard work!!!

  • Joyzabel


    you'll do just fine! You are a natural.

    Let us know how your day goes. I can't wait to hear the stories now.



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Jo, have you heard the secret of 21 days?

    Within 21 days on that job you will feel like Queen of the Universe, but you have to give yourself SLACK for those 21 days. SLACK doesn't mean "don't do the job," SLACK means "don't beat yourself up for not being perfect."

    Each day for the next 21 days on the job, tell yourself that you will not beat yourself up for not being perfect.

    At the end of 21 days, you'll be real tired of sayin that. :) And you'll OWN the job.

    You are going to be magnificent!

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