How many of you are happy with doing the holidays?

by Singing Man 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jayhawk1
    apple eating naked women. GaryB

    Would this be the same woman who came up with this?

    This 100% juice beverage is a sweet combination of orange, pineapple, apple, and banana juices/purees. It has been further enhanced with Echinacea, astragaus, vitamin C and zinc to promote well being and good health. The sweet citrus flavor is very enjoyable -- overall a great tasting beverage.

  • Sassy

    I am still trying to figure out how I feel. That was why I had started a thread not long ago about what was your first holiday to celebrate. I love to give presents and I do love to decorate. Even before, every year I put out a little snowman snowflake kind of tree to celebrate winter. Now as much as I don't know how I feel, it would be fun to get victorian decorations and have a beautiful tree, but should I? And I love presents, buying them that is. LOVE to buy presents. I always said it was probably good I didn't celebrate the holidays or I would be more broke than I already was. Uh Oh. Hmmmm. I might be in trouble! I'm going to Simplesally's on Halloween. I get to see the little one all dressed up. I guess that will be my first holiday. (well not counting giving my bf a Bday present. I did that already and enjoyed it).

  • xjw_b12

    Phantom Stranger:

    Actually, I still hate Halloween... too many memories of hiding in our own house.

    ROFLMAO I had forgotten about that. Too funny .

  • rocketman

    I was invited to a neighbor's Halloween party for the first time ever. He said "I'm not sure if your religion allows you to, but we are inviting the neighborhood over" (they have it outdoors). I'm going to pop in, probably not in costume though, since I don't have one.

    They go all-out with decorations and music and the whole nine yards. All these years, I just wanted to stop in and hang out, and now I will finally do so. Though I'm not real big on Halloween, I've stopped viewing the holiday as somehow dangerous.

  • ChimChim

    I love the holidays, and same as every one else im not into halloween, im getting older and starting to feel stupid dressing up and going door to door saying "trick or treat" whats the point when u can go to the store all year round and buy candy, chips and pop! But yes I am going this year cuz i dont wanna disapoint my friends... but either than halloween i LOVE Christmas and Easter and of coure THE BEST HOLIDAY EVER: My BirtHdaY awww yeah!!!

  • Special K
    Special K

    I love the holidays...they are sooooo great..

    Time with my family.. to relax and share some statutory days off.

    Getting together and having a meal. Sharing gifts.

    It's all great !!!

    Special K

  • shera

    Hallowe'en is free candy...and fun.

    I love christmas,everything about it.


    I loooooooooove the holidays!!!

    I celebrate fully ... with all the energy I can muster!!! The holidays are such wonderful social events, to express appreciation for all our gifts and talents and creativity!!!


  • Mulan

    The longer we are out of the borg, the more we both realize how brainwashed we were about holidays. There is nothing wrong with them...............NOTHING!

    We do most of them, and love it!

    I couldn't care less about the holidays myself . I think christmas is just an over rated religious freak show . I can't see why people look forward to halloween either even tho it's not a holiday but people have been lobbying to make it a national holiday . If I had kids ...............................
    That is kids. If we didn't have grandchildren, we probably would not do Christmas the way we do it. But we do have seven of them so far, and it's great! Halloween is very fun for the kids too.
  • moonwillow

    I love the holidays and look forward to each and every one of them

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