After i finished laughing, i would try to buy up as much cheap WT property and equipment as i could get.
What If: What if the GB said Armagedon has started?
by Singing Man 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Only problem with that bet, Saint Satan, is that you can't collect until Armageddon doesn't come.
The title is to the affect that it has started, ie, it has already come. The wt has stated that once past the tribulation, then armageddon, the execution of all of wt god's enemies, can be carried out swiftly. A time limit of six months should be ample.
The problem would be collecting my winnings. The dub could move, or get protection in the form of young ms's w canes or something. I would likely collect verbal abuse and/or blows instead of dollars.
I do remember an elder at the local cong. stating that armageddon has been raging now for quite some time . That it starts as a spiritual battle between the 2 seeds of God and satan but will end with the destruction of the world powers and the coming of the messianic kingdom . Of course the WTBTS thinks it is the chosen seed to defend bible truths and is approved by God to be his mouthpiece .
The title of Rutherford's talk was The World Has Ended, Millions Now Living Will Never Die.
Obviously Rutherford had delusions of grandeur and saw himself in a messianic role. Clearly a sick man. . . . but not any sicker than those building these billion dollar printing businesses today. -
If it's the end of the world, then it's time to stock up on good karma, right? And the best way to get good karma is to accomplish justice. So I'd get my shotguns and a case of whiskey and a big Flag and cruise on up to Brooklyn and plant Old Glory on the top of Bethel. Yea, and I'd smite mine enemies, most vigorously...
... ...
I dunno ... But will like to see you all doing what you've said ...
Spiritual armageddon, if any arguement at all can be made for it, must have been raging since at least the time of christ, for it is written, to the affect that he claimed to have come to break all the devil's works, and to set mankind free.
Let it rip!