Praise St. Elsewhere!!!
by integ 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There was a 2%increase of publishers in the U.S. this year
WAS THIS DUE TO the new 15min rule??
My mom said one of the speakers talked about heart conditions, and how we should be more concerned with the state of our "spiritual" heart condition than our physical heart. And that Jehovah is the great "Spiritual Cardiologist".
LOL! I guess I'm pretty f***ed. I had a spiritual heart attack years ago. Reminds me of that Queen song. Oh shit, I shouldn't be listening to Queen because Freddy Mercury is gay. Maybe this was the cause of my Sheer Spiritual Heart Attack?
Room 215
JT, et al,
When a 2 percent increase is measured against the overall demographic national growth of the population/birth rate -- which I wager is close to that figure, and also against the enormous amount of door-to-door time lavished on the effort one was to wonder about the efficacy of the campaign.
The overall growth in the US may be 2%. But, it is because the Spanish are growing at an unbelievable rate. Wait until the young Spanish start coming of age. They will be English speakers raised in the American Culture.
Room 215
(Aptly named) DIM,
Looks like you've been here at least 622 times yourself... ``physician, heal thyself!"
(Praise Jesus!)