Do elders have Bible Studies?

by slipnslidemaster 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hiu Slip...: Yes, Elders do have Studies, most with their own families if they have children. I had studies when I was an Elder, and that was one way I was able to s-t-r-e-t-c-h my field service time ... just have a study that is sociable, and you can stay for coffee, pizza, and TV, and COUNT the time too! All in all, I brought 15 people into the Org. and now I have to help take 30 back out to pay my debt back to GAWD!. - Amazing

  • outnfree

    Yes, the PO at my hall had several studies that resulted in new publishers/baptized Friends.

    I turned over a male study -- a Christian college Greek prof -- to another elder (with the result that that elder left "the truth"!!!).

    But the others are right that many of the elders have difficulty keeping up with their congregational duties and keeping their own families in line theocratically and so don't spend too much time worrying if they're making disciples elsewhere (as long as they get their hours in. )


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Slipnslidemaster,

    not to upset you in anyway, but I can
    give you my answer: Yes! Of course that does not mean that every
    study eventually became a "dedicated baptized JW" but the effort
    to "help" others was there.
    Btw I do like you posts...and your comments.

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

    P.S. ...nice profile picture!

  • slipnslidemaster

    Why thank you very much MacHislopp, that was very nice of you. Sometimes I think that I must annoy everyone by posting to just about every topic, but I have so much to say and I LOVE this board!!!

    Thanks, I love my new profile picture too. I just can't stop looking at it!!

    Slipnslidemaster: Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...

  • philo


    :I just read the story and it was very good. What we have to go through to extricate ourselves, huh?

    You didn't hit on some of Mulan's racier writing, did you? (knowing leer)

    :Thanks for sharing that!

    I'll bet. ;)

    Mulan, I'm a genuine fan, but I got ta get my kicks like anyone else.

    Good on you Pat, Philo

  • philo


    Can I be your Internet toy boy?


  • Mulan

    just a minute, I'll ask my husband.

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