This year I thought I would actually DO SOMETHING for everybody. But I have a little problem Saving my money! My step-dad said thats what money is for, spending it! but the thing is I don't like to blow it off on my self all the time. I like to do things with people. I took my sister out to get our nails done, but now I think I should have kept on saving my money, so I could but her something worth while I need some advice on how to save my money, cuz I can't think of ANYTHING
Christmas is only 2 months away and I have no money...
by ChimChim 21 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Chim Chim.
Never mind eh.
I think the same way every year... the when it finally comes, I have no money to spend on people.
One day isn't that important... it's the love you show year - round that counts
Chim Chim, you spent your money on your sister! Whatta sweetie! If you don't have money, you can give coupons. Coupons good for babysitting, housecleaning, yardwork, etc. You can give your sister a coupon for another trip to the nail salon (tell her its redeemable in February, LOL). Your computer probably has a program that gives you templates so you can give them fancy coupons.
Ask your mother to hide it for you in the house or perhaps they should get things going and open a bank account for you!
Talk to the mama
Don't worry so much anyways.
((((((((((((((((((((((((Chim Chim))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Saving money can be so hard! Try a trick my mom taught me. Mark an envelop "Gifts" and tuck it into the back of a drawer. Whenever you have some cash, take a little of it and slip it into the envelope. Presents don't have to be big or expensive, but if you've spent time picking them out, people will know and appreciate it.
little witch
Chim Chim,
Awww how sweet!
Here are some suggestions for cheap gifts
A bag of candy ( two bucks) put it in a pretty package, with ribbon. (kids will love it)
Christmas Cards bought in a box (holiday greetings for cheap)
The dollar stores have bunches of goodies for a buck
Kids love crayons, and markers, and gifts for kids...
Serve christmas dinner in a local homeless shelter/soup kitchen
ring a bell for the salvation army
make some cookies for someone
visit a nursing home
sing carols with a group
hope this helps.... No Christmas is not just like any other day. It is a day of celebration and giving. A yearly reminder is helpful to us and a celebration of a giving heart. I hope you enjoy it dear.
Btw....We try (as a family) to seek out a struggling family to help out on christmas...It helps keep us focused on the occasion, as well as making a family feel wanted and cared for. How can that possibly be a bad thing?
Didn't your momma ever teach you that christmas was pagan and bad?!??!!
Hey six,she used to, lol...not anymore tho.
Little Witch, my mom and her card group charge weekly "dues" that go in a pot. At Christmas time, this pot goes to a family on hard times. The mayor of their small community picks out a hard-working, down on their luck, honest family with kids and the group goes out and buys Xmas dinner, extra groceries and needed clothing and gifts. The last family they did this for is up on their feet and have no clue who their Kris Kringles were ... and the group has no clue who they are (there are a whole bunch of small mountain towns where my mom lives.)
lol thanks every one... n mom yah i kno i could give it to you but i wanna do it on my own