My wife and I are re-doing our wills and it has led me to reflect alot on life. In making a will you are basically preparing for death and setting your house in order so that there is no confusion afterwards and your loved ones are looked after. I do plan on living to a ripe old age but in life things can happen and I could be dead tomorrow. I am struggling to deal with my own mortality and to define what I believe in. It's a very difficult and disturbing road for me to travel. Growing up as a Jehovah's Witness was full of ups and downs for me. The one thing I did not worry about was death. When discussing the topic with others I would just shrug and say I would be back in the New Order. No fears. Now...I think it will take me awhile to deal with and accept the stark reality of death. I have read the thread on mortality started by Shotgun and I know alot of people are having the same struggle as I am. It makes me feel a bit better knowing I am not alone.
I want to say thank you to few people that have helped me through some of the bumps in the road that I now travel.
To The Members of JWD- Thank you. You have shared your stories and experiences in life and in leaving the JW's. It has made an impression on me that will stay with me for the rest of my life.
To Simon-Thank you for providing this forum. You have provided a place for us all to discuss and to heal from our experiences in life and as JW's. I owe you alot.
To My Family On The Forum-You know who you are. I love both of you very much. You both mean so much to me and as family we will get through the pain the Org. has caused and is still causing us.
To Ray and Shera- Thank you for being true friends to me. You both have my love and respect. I am honoured having you both as friends.
Sitting here typing this I am crying. No I am not suicidal or anything like that. I have been doing alot of reflecting and I just wanted to tell everyone that I love them.
PS-To The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnessess- I despise you all. You have ruined and hurt so many people. I think you should be ashamed of yourselves. There are so many beautiful people enslaved to your organization. You dull their minds and hearts with your lies. If there is a God I hope he(she) makes you experience the pain that you have caused to so many people.