Are you still waiting for God's government to begin ruling? Are you still hoping that divine rulership is nearly here? Do you long for the time when Jehovah will 'set matters staright among the nations'?
While many witnesses would say yes, what they don't realize that the beginnings of a global government are already here.
The Society teaches that they are Jehovah's organisation, the FDS give us food at the proper time and we must be teachable, humble, and just do everything they ask of us without question.
It was said by Barbara Anderson, that Jehovah's Witnesses are a government within governments.
So lets just assign the Society as the government.
If we have a problem, who do we report to? The government
If we know someone is doing something wrong, who do we report to? The government
There is already the beginnings of a 'police force' in this government.
If you wish to progress within this governement, you must be willing to do all that the government say. They will closely monitor what you do.
The government keeps files on its 'citizens', these include publisher record cards, disfellowshipping reports and judicial committee notes.
The governement will punish those 'citizens' who do not conform to their ideology.
The government will make rules without representation.
The government will pressure its 'citizens' to pay for their upkeep.
The government will tell you how much work you need to do for them to be a 'good citizen', the avergae monthly hours will do nicely.
The government will encourage you to ignore relatives who do not support the government and it's institutions.
The government will force you to break off contact with 'exiles'
The government expects you to die for them.
The government elects its representatives - the 'citizens' do not
The government will not allow demonstrations or protests.
The government is allowed to lie when it suits its cause.
The government expects you to read all governement publications and journals.
The government expects you to share their journals and publications with 'non citizens'.
Is this the government you want to live under?