I see You Know is back. I haven't been keeping up with the boards in some time, but I see that Robert is still here, trying to support his rather unique blend of LaRouche/Rutherfordian end-time predictions.
Well, I happened across the thread between YK and Amazing, and I noticed that YK once again had his facts in error. He said that LaRouche got 25% of the Democratic primary vote in Arkansas in 2000. I assume he meant 2000, because LaRouche wasn't close to 25% in 1996. Well, the fact is that LaRouche only got 21.53% of the primary vote in Arkansas in 2000. Is that such a big number so as to make LaRouche a real, viable candidate? Not at all. For Alan Keyes received 19.77% percent of the Republican vote in that state's primary. Rather close numerically to LaRouche, and against the man who eventually won the election. Keyes, like LaRouche, never had a chance at winning the nomination. Keyes got more airtime, sure, but states such as Michigan announced LaRouche's candidacicy as invalid based on his felony conviction, so LarRouche was never a player from the start.
When I heard YK was back posting, I just had to check in to see what screwups he'd committed this time around.