OK, to the point, who got the best deal in the marriage agreement, you or your spouse? My answer is, me. My wife got ripped off.. No need for details when replying.
Guest 77
by Guest 77 31 Replies latest jw friends
OK, to the point, who got the best deal in the marriage agreement, you or your spouse? My answer is, me. My wife got ripped off.. No need for details when replying.
Guest 77
Do you mean in a Jehovah's Witness style of marriage? Definitly the man has the upper hand in most if not all things.
In my marriage agreement, I kinda have the upper hand because my wife prefers to delegate to me. She prefers being the traditional "house wife." However, any time she wants to take over anything I currently do, she can. But we always consult each other in making decisions.
I totally got ripped off and he knows it.
Yeah, I guess it depends on what you mean? I know with my ex, he got the best if we are talking JW lifestyle. He was the man and daddy was an elder on the cong and everytime he didn't like something I did, threaten to call the elders about how unsubmissive I was. Even taking the JW lifestyle out, he still got the best end of the deal. He got the house and nearly everything in it when I walked out.
Both husbands did. Esp the last one. In the most bizarre twists of fate, he ended up with everything... including my old job and, of course, a green card.
I got ripped off, and am continuing to get ripped off. It's my own stupid fault too.
Both husbands did. Esp the last one. In the most bizarre twists of fate, he ended up with everything... including my old job and, of course, a green card.
that sounds familiar. We could share stories it sounds like.
FURTHERMORE (major rant building)
He's sitting there, with his big bank book in hand from all his earnings HE kept for himself when he finally got his permission to work here (he's British) - I used all my money for the household except a few dollars for my children which he totally resented), getting ready to go to his class (he got a free grad level education at Penn because he got MY OLD JOB which has free (although taxable) grad level benefits because I told MY FRIENDS at Penn to hire him), telling me he's leaving me and telling me which of MY furniture he wants to take with him and has the nerve to say,
"Well, if I got nothing else out of this marriage, I got Al Stewart."
(Truly pathetic: As a woman, that cut straight to the heart but as an Al Stewart fan, that wasn't even gratifying. Al doesn't half have a bunch of sanctimonious conceited w*ankers listening to his music already, and now, he has one more.)
Once again, Mr. A. from Hooke, Yorkshire outwitted the nice but dumb Jersey girl.
I email him in March asking for the divorce number so I can get my papers and he sends me an email stating I am self absorbed, vile and childish
Oh gosh my blood pressure is soaring.............
I did, however, get his manner of speaking:
Truly pathetic: As a woman, that cut straight to the heart but as an Al Stewart fan, that wasn't even gratifying. Al doesn't half have a bunch of sanctimonious conceited w*ankers listening to his music already, and now, he has one more.)