Demonized objects

by Patrick 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • funkyderek
    Seeing I am not rich with only a cardboard camera I thought the photos were pretty good. It is hard to take a picture of a transformation; or those so called ghosts. I will agree that the pictures of the transformations are fuzzy sometimes, but when the eye upon the rock opens they seem to come out better.

    The pictures are terrible. They show the same statue from different angles and in different positions (why move it while it's transforming?), there are possibly two different but similar statues although it's very difficult to tell from the poor quality of the photographs. I'm still not sure what the photos are supposed to show, although they're marginally better than larsguy's cloud photo. Patrick, borrow a video camera or call James Randi if you think you've got something, because those photos don't prove anything.

  • Patrick

    It is nice to see that everyone here is not on pharmaceutical drugs. Who is James Randi? Never heard of him, but I will check his web link if my zone alarm will permit it. If pre-literate students and their teachers are ignorant of the procedures and philosophies underlying the supernatural, so to are those trained in the supernatural ignorant of witchcraft and its effects. Someone should volunteer their professional services to this fledgling school. But, than it is the American way to keep the youth simple and stupid with their pharmaceutical drugs. What is the stats on children coming out of high school who can not read or write more than a paragraph; 80%

  • Patrick

    In your bedroom as a child. Divination is a mystical technique and illustrates the roles of ancestors and divination as mechanism of social controls by government. Many, but certainly not all, non-Western societies believe ancestors play a strong and positive role in the security and prosperity of their people. It is important, however, to recognize that ancestors are but one of several categories of spirits whose actions directly affect society. Ancestor spirits, the "living dead," are those whose memory still exists in the minds of their kin, and who are beneficial to the surviving relatives. When the living dead are forgotten, they are believed to be transformed into "nameless spirits," non-ancestors, characterized as malicious vehicles for misfortunes of all kinds. "Ancestor spirits" or "ghosts," who can be invoked by the living and cause misfortune to befall those whose acts threaten the solidarity of the wealthy, are used by many governments and religious leaders. The ancestral world in many ways is an extension of the real world. Although one can argue to a point with an elder, no one questions the wisdom and authority of an ancestor. The power of the dead is an important aspect of social and religious control. Because ghosts are capable of severely punishing an earthly mortal desirous of change, the force of conformity is strong and according to religious leaders and governments dead ancestors do not smile favorably on any kind of change. Not all societies believe in the power of ancestors or ghosts. In many cultures, including North America, a high god (monotheism) or gods (polytheism) exert authority over the living, punishing those who violate religious leaders rules that often are duplicated in civil laws and serve as the base of social oppression. In these groups ancestor worship is not found, although the spiritual nature of ancestors and a belief in the afterlife is very severe and strict. Very few peoples do not support the idea of a separate spirit world. To most people in Western culture the word "ghost" brings forth an image of a disembodied spirit of a dead person swooping through the dark halls, hovering over a grave, roaming aimlessly through damp woods, or in phantom form. Religious leaders and government use this because no one wants to be subjected to supernatural punishment by vengeful and angry ghosts who do not like changes in society.

  • shamus

    What a goof. A professor, maybe? It wouldn't suprise me one bit.

    Patrick, you would be the life of any gathering. I kid you not. You'd just go on and on and on... of course, I would be the obnoxious idiot in the corner everyone is trying to get away from....

  • rem
    What is the stats on children coming out of high school who can not... write more than a paragraph; 80%



    p.s. I learned the whole ellipsis trick from the Watchtower.

  • Eric


    If the object is made from rock of an unknown form, how has it been dated?

    If you were a powerful demon, capable of reordering arrangments on a molecular level, why would you bother mucking about with a small carving? And a carving owned by a person with a lousy disposable camera and poor photography skills at that?

    Call up Randi, show him your ancient shape-shifting doo-dad, make a million bucks, buy some sharp video kit and post back, OK?


  • expatbrit

    I must get a copy of Random Eastern New Age Mumbo Jumbo Generator 3.0. Then I can make wicked posts like Patrick.


  • Panda

    Patrick, Are you an anthropology major looking for a thesis? The quartz object is not unusual. The substance is easily known. BTW daoists don't have shaman. An experienced and wise priest may be called a Master. My daoist studies were done at the White Cloud temple in Beijing PRC ... Where did you do yours?

    BTW There are no anacondas in China.

  • FlyingHighNow


    Unfortunately we were so scared it didn't occur to us to ask for wishes to be granted. We just asked for it to move something which it did when asked to, three times in a row. It would make the candle we used for the seance burn with a very high flame and it would just cause cold chills and your hair to stand on end and a strange butterfly feeling in your stomach when it was around. I would relate the story but I don't think most people believe the experience unless they have two or three of us together talking about it. All I know is you have never seen kids move so fast in your life as we did that day once it sunk in what we had done. We only stayed mesmerized for about three minutes.

    Heather S.

  • Insomniac

    Shamus-my professors may ramble a bit, but they all eventually come to some kind of a point. Either this guy really needs a vacation, or he's playing us. I mean, really, who talks like that? I think it's like what Nosferatu is doing with his Nigerian scammer; could be this person just wants to see how many people will take him seriously. I've asked Pat some specific questions, and he does not answer, so I kinda doubt he's for real.

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