I'm wondering, if Jesus was on earth today, what would he be teaching, and would we believe it , or would we set up a website to discuss his thoughts?
What would Jesus teach us today?
by petespal2002 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
He would teach us to forgive and not judge others, for a start.
I would buy the brand of sandals that he would endorse. We never read about him complaining about his feet
***** Rub a Dub
William Penwell
I believe he would keep it simple. That God is love and to love your neighbor as your self. It was religion that made it a theology of self hate and control complicating what he said.
Beware the wolves in sheeps clothing .
But what about prophesy? Would he talk about the end of a system, and if so, what system?
He would want us to treat each other like we want to be treated, and be the best that we could be.
And would he call us to follow him, and would said followers have to preach?
Anyone who claimed to walk on water and fortell the future would be viewed the same today as other wackos like Rael.
What Jesus (The Christ) signifies, what is important about Jesus, is here on earth today. universal Truth, a fundamental Truth, our ultimate and foundational Truth. He would explain that the only "outside" of God (the Source of everything) or separation from God -- is in our mind: an illusion. What Jesus signifies, what is important about Jesus, is here today, right here, right now -- at the core of our very being. That we place attention on things and events outside of us, that we place attention on phenomena such as thoughts, beliefs and emotions, blinds us to the most fundamental and simple Truth: I, and the Father (Source/God/Truth) are One. This holds true for everyone and every tree, rock, bird, atom and planet. Believing this, doesn't help. It doesn't release us from the suffering experienced identifying with a tiny fragmented and broken person. We need to look deeply and see clearly, we need to experience that we are first and foremost the Truth, the God, the Christ, that we seek. I feel that his teaching would be today what it was then: The Kingdom (the Truth) is within. Be still, and know... JamesT