I just got word through the grape vine that I am apostate now... I emailed everyone in my address book the Vicki Bower thingy and talk is that I'm apostate!
Please fully welcome me into your fold.
The Truth sucks.
by shamus 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I just got word through the grape vine that I am apostate now... I emailed everyone in my address book the Vicki Bower thingy and talk is that I'm apostate!
Please fully welcome me into your fold.
The Truth sucks.
Welcome to the dark side
*nude pictures to follow
Wear it with pride! To stand up for abused victems. Very good.
But there is nothing that will take the sting out of the hurt that is yet to come with shunning, especially from family members. That you will have to work through yourself, but we are here to be supportive.
***waiting for the nude pics...
Welcome to our midst; The "Truth" truly does suck, but now you're out.
I have no family in da troof, so no worries.
How dare I speak the truth about Vicki Bower? Oh, such an evil apostate!
I am a bit freaked, knowing that my old friends will shun me, but I need to do what is right... with my depression and all, it makes me a bit shaky, but I am just taking it one day at at time. Also, keeping positive!
They will not shame me to close my mouth!
Shamus, the next thing they will accuse you of is posting on an Apostate JW discussion board!!!!!!! Oh me oh my, whatever will they think??
Well said Joy. Poignant and a bit prophetic for many ex-JWs.
Congrats Shamus! You've just taken the first step into a larger world.
To be called "apostate" by any group of self-righteous people like this is quite an honor!! Congratulations, and welcome to the group of those so honored.
That group calling down God's wrath on their ex-members ought to check themselves! They've got enough flaws in their own organization to deal with!!
Shamus, YOU have the truth and it doesn't suck at all -- it set you free from slavery, didn't it? WELCOME!!!!!