Infectious diseases are illnesses caused by the attack of tribesmen in nature. These tribesmen are tiny living creatures, so small they can be seen only with high-powered microscopes. These tribesmen invade the tissues of our giant bodies, where they grow, multiply, and interfere with the normal functions of the flesh. Some of these tribes manufacture and release poisons. It should be kept in mind that the number of tribesmen and other tribes in the universe is large and most are not harmful, and only a small minority of these tribesmen cause disease and attack the giant humans and beasts in the fields. In Greek, the word used for the smallest living thing, or these tribesmen was known as "microbes." The tribesmen are exceedingly small, and can be seen with the highest magnifications of the ordinary light microscope. It is a continuous wonder of mankind how such tiny little creatures could produce so much disease in the hosts of their attacks. Tribal leaders normally are found in certain areas throughout the body. As might be expected, those areas in contact with the environment, such as the skin, the mouth and nose, the openings to the ears, and the genital organs, "all" normally have tribesmen present. They attack through the intestinal tract; and most tribes ordinarily are not at war with the giant humans, although occasionally they invade the tissue under circumstances of war because of environment issues. Some tribesmen are at war contiually and spred from human to human, such as the types commonly involved in some sore throats. (Greek for "chains of spheres") Humans named this tribe Streptococci and they inhabit the noses and throats of many humans without attacking, it is very much an environment issue with these tribesmen, and they travel in strings of spheres via droplets of moisture exhaled in breathing. The tribes differ in their capacity to produce disease, as do humans differ in their relative resistance to attacks by the tribes. Humans know all to little about how to influence the body's resistance to tribal attacks except that cleanliness, good nutrition, and hygiene play a large role in keeping resistance up and minimizing the tribesmens anger. The diversity in size and shape is seen in their vessels of flight, similular to our flying machines, the tribes tend to form comma-shaped structures and others form spirals. Some of the spiral ships are loosely formed, much like a snake would look while lying in the grass, while others are tightly coiled almost like a spring. In addition, different tribes use different types of materials in the environment that can change some of the chemicals around them in defence of our biological war against them. Just as with other living things, the tribes can be put into broad classifications. To be a healer of diseases you need to make peace with these tribal leaders, who transmit and receive electrons to the impulse carried by the vectorial boson. "Telepathy;" but you have to have a brain to do that, and as you can see mankind has surely lost his mind.
The Rock has an army already.
by Patrick 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You're wacked.
Patrick. WOW that was very interesting. You said:
These tribesmen invade the tissues of our giant bodies, where they grow, multiply, and interfere with the normal functions of the flesh.
I guess that would include the ability to do PARAGRAPHS !
To be a healer of diseases you need to make peace with these tribal leaders, who transmit and receive electrons to the impulse carried by the vectorial boson. "Telepathy;" but you have to have a brain to do that, and as you can see mankind has surely lost his mind.
Well at least Patrickind ! .
Who does a christian give credit for in creating these tribesmen?
Demons, spirits, ancestors, and gods all exist as realities in the human mind, and possess the power to harm and harass the living. Good and evil are counter balanced in every society through a variety of rituals and other forms of protection; yet this balance is broken by human weaknesses and transgressions that invite the evil nature of supernatural agents created by their minds. The malicious acts of those agents inflict pain and anguish on the innocent as well as on those deserving of punishment. Although all supernaturals created by your mind can possess an individual and cause an unending variety of harm, the most commonly known agent of possession is the demon. Demons may aid their human consorts from time to time, but generally they are seen as being responsible for diseases, injury, or a myriad of major and minor personal and group disasters. These creations of your mind are more powerful then mere humans. Creation of demons is ordinarily considered dangerous, but this is not always the case. Demon creation is actively sought at Voodoo ceremonies in order to obtain the supernatural knowledge of the spirits. The functions of creation commonly go unnoticed overshadowed as they are by the dramatic expressive actions of the one chosen to be possessed and those in attendance. Rules to avoid demons, such as jinns of Islamic countries, can promote individual self discipline and propriety in behavior. Until the recent popularity of movies, television shows, and novels about demons, the American public was largely unaware of the taboo of demons throughout the history of Western religions. Somewhat alarming to many Americans was the realization that the Catholic church continued to approve exorcisms of demons and kept these matters on a need to know basis. Religion is a belief in an unseen order and one important aspect of religion is helping believers to come to know that unknown. To this day the methods of religious leaders in the world's cultures are far too varied and numerous to mention here. They all wish to keep you in the dark with faith playing a strong role in these religious leaders explanations. The Jehovah Witnesses from records in history were created by a man who was put into a mental hospital declairing himself to be an angel from the book of revelation, Apollyon or in Hebrew Abaddon. It seems, for the love of money, even Jehovah Witnesses become traders of their souls for money.
Paragraphs are for weak minded humans
You're silly. Nobody on earth is this weird... you're obviously being a geek. Keep it up... I like having a laugh!
Oxnard Hamster
And The Rock says know your role, and shut your mouth!
All right guys! Fess up!
Who of you apostates took this poor soul's brain hostage and replaced it with a rock?
Come on! Fun 's over!
Paragraphs are for weak minded humans
Paragraphs are for people who finished high school.
Paragraphs are for people who finished high school.