"God in the Whitehouse"

by Emma 26 Replies latest social current

  • Elsewhere
    There are some who bash him for this, but how many would rather he worshipped the devil? How many would be complaining then?

    I would prefer it if people left all religion out of government... Satanists included. People cannot be truly free to exercise their religion unless the government, and government officials, stay neutral in regard to religion.

    If a president wants to be an evangelical Christian, more power to him, but the moment he puts on his "president hat", he better drop the religion... the same goes for three star generals.

  • joannadandy
    The fact is the vast majority in the United States DO believe in God, and have no problem with our President believing as well.

    Big difference in believing IN God and believing God is working through you to attain his righteous purposes.

    The latter scares the hell out of me...maybe because I was raised by people who believe it.

  • freedom96

    While I will not say that I believe God is working through our President, I do believe that God does indeed work through people, and always has throughout history.

    I would also like to think that God would reward those that love Him, and do their best to obide by His laws. I find it hard to believe that God would be on the side of a terrorist.

    I like the fact that President Bush is a believer of God. It tells me that he has a concience, and feels that he has a higher power to answer up to. That does not mean that an athiest could not do a good job in the Whitehouse.

    The fact is that our President is a bible reader, and loves God. I have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever.

  • heathen

    I get tired of hearing this one nation under God crapola myself . We are not a christian nation , this nation was founded by people seeking religious freedom . The jews for example who helped start the banking system were not christian . I can't stand the fact that the US wants to defend Israel because of religious reasons . I am so against the tax payers funding the faith based rehab that they plan on giving 20 billion dollars to . This is also like admitting defeat in the great war on drugs issue . Good God there must be alot of people hooked on drugs !!!!!!!!! I'm not buying into any of this .

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Main Entry: 1 god

    Pronunciation: 'gäd also 'god
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German got god
    Date: before 12th century
    1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as a : the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe

    According to Merriam Webster's definition of "God" above, God is a singular, sole ruler of the Universe.

    George W. Bush and his cronies pray "God bless America".

    Osama bin Laden and his cronies pray "God damn America".

    Like it or not, there is only one God, albeit known by many names (Allah, Jehovah, etc.......)

    Both groups of men are praying for exactly the opposite thing to the same God.

    Poor God. What to do......What to do????

  • ignored_one
    Poor God. What to do......What to do????

    If I was God i'd be HBH (Home but Hiding).

    Oh wait.... he's been doing that for quite a while now.


    Ignored One.

  • Aztec
    George W. Bush and his cronies pray "God bless America".

    Osama bin Laden and his cronies pray "God damn America".

    For some reason this reminds of football. Both teams pray to god before each game as do both teams fans. What's a god to do?

    I like the fact that President Bush is a believer of God. It tells me that he has a concience

    So atheists and agnostics have NO conscience?

    If I was God i'd be HBH (Home but Hiding).

    LOL Ignored One!


  • funkyderek
    No matter what he does. No matter what he doesn't do. No matter if he agrees with you on something. You people will find fault. A group of good dubs all

    Stacy, you've ignored the specific claims that were made. You've lumped everyone who doesn't agree with you together, exaggerated and misrepresented their view and insulted them. Not to mention that you immediately leapt to the defense of the organisation you support without providing a single counterargument. You seem a lot more dub-like than any of the Bush-bashers that have posted in this thread so far.

  • heathen

    Aztec --- That's a good point you made there . Bush praying to God does not mean he has a conscience and is doing Gods will . He is merley hoping to be morally justified by the religious right by acting out some sort of fantasy for them .

  • Panda

    God is a tradition in America. I don't know anyone who views things like the Pledge of Allegiance or money as any more than that. Since our founding fathers were Unitarian and Masonic, they certainly had an open view of what established a religion, and that was personal choice. The individual is considered his own micro government and may choose to pray or not. Pledge or not, have money or not... nothing will ever be black or white. I have friends who jeer at me for celebrating Christmas in such a big way (lots of decorations and food and drink and I invite everyone to come over and set a spell.)

    As for the President, the White House and God... There will always be recovering alcoholics who truly submit to a higher power, and if that gets them back to health I am glad they have that choice. I am also glad I don't. I voted for Pres.Bush because I liked his Everyman-ness, I adore his mother and think his wife is also down to earth. I respect and agree with the professional's who surround the President esp. Dr.Rice and C.Powell. Maybe I should start a campaign "Atheists for Bush." Back to the LAW ---

    The Supreme Court , as part of a separate judiciary does not vote according to majority rule except in their own decisions. Whatever the majority of Americans want the Supremes legislate, to the best of their considerable abilities according to the Constitution. So, for good reason these judges are chosen not because they represent the people (like congress is supposed to) but rather protect the Constitution from wacko conclusion and resolution. They must judge between what is the letter of the law and the ideal of the law. They must judge to balance states rights, federal law, and individual rights.

    It is not easy to Amend the Constitution. Thats why we still don't have an Equal Rights Ammendment. Equally we have Roe V. Wade which is part of the Constitution and must go throught the repeal process if the Court decides so.

    Fortunately we have the Constitution to support our individuality yet not to press that on others.

    Panda of the historian class

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