I really hope to get a ton of responses for this topic, so even if you're just browsing through postings and topics, please add your two cents...however brief. I am really curious to know who our "heroes" are, those people we admire, identify with, emulate and recieve inspiration from. Feel free to even list former heroes and perhaps why you were taken with admiration for them at that point in your life and maybe why you don't feel that way any longer. Even if you're one of those cynics who wouldn't deign to have a hero these days, then list a hero of someone else you know. My heroes now? The medieval Italian poet Dante and my friend Shannon. I met both in the same year, and through each of them my life was decisively changed. Dante, for his poetic gifts, theological vision and moral fiat. Shannon, for her genuine humanity, patient friendship, and for being in the right place at the right time for me--consistently.
Our Heroes--past and present
by Vita Nuova 36 Replies latest jw friends
Barbara Anderson whistle blower on the WT.
I met her on the SilentLambs march last September. Powerful Woman.
Old Crow
Davy Crockett - frontiersman, Representative, and fought and died for what he believed in. Admittedly, the acquiring of vast stretches of Texas from the Mexicans, but hey, it seemed like a good idea at the time. The anglo community there didn't want to be ruled by the madman Santa Anna, so, he wandered over with his gun and a couple buddies and fought like heroes at the Alamo. I just found out that Ozzy O peed on the monument. Drunkenly peeing on the Alamo? Although, I imagine Davy peed on the Alamo when he was actually turning it into a monument.
Martin Luther -- I think all leaving Witnesses will relate to this one.
Jim Thorpe -- Red Pride showin'.
Abe Lincoln -- If we had focus polls in the 1860's, He'd never have gotten elected. He changed the way a nation thought.
Teddy Roosevelt -- Another great Liberal Persident.
P.J. O' Rourke -- Funny, funny conservative.
Joan of Arc -- 15 year old country girl leads the French against the British and almost wins. The FRENCH, mind you.
Niccolo Machiavelli -- Today, he'd be Vince McMahon.
Vince McMahon -- "Stone Cold Steve Austin...YOU'RE FIRED!!"
Winston Churchill -- Greatest Orator of the 20th Century. Part of the reason the Brits are 2-0 vs. Germany.
Thomas Jefferson -- "I swear upon the altar of God eternal opposition to every form of tyranny over the mind of man." How can that be improved upon?
Brad Pitt -- Seven, Fight Club, Snatch, and banging Jennifer Aniston.
My Son -- "Daddy, don't quit! Don't ever quit!" Wow, he listened.
Malcolm X -- King and Huey Newton run a wery close Place and Show.
Blondie -- Our Queen!
Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton -- name these two as heroes at the same time. You'll start a fight with anyone.
Kirby Puckett -- short, fat and amazing.
The first Meso-American cook who decided to eat jalapenos.
Madonna -- Taught women to be bitchy, demanding, expressive and take charge in a way that men will respect. I'd like my chance to thank her.
Corazon Aquino -- How do you avenge your dead husband? Beat his killer's ass in an election and lead a coup to force him out.
Che Guevara -- Hate the commie politics...love the revolutionary zeal, strategy and that kick-ass pose!
Warren Sapp -- A quantam leap as a defensive tackle. I wouldn't say a word around him...just drink, listen, and laugh.
My first supervisor who helped me like my mother never would and effectively stonewalled my abusive father.
Two of my teachers in high school who also gave me the confirmation I needed of my self-worth.
my dad and my mom.
franklin J
In history, I am awed by the architecture of a Renaissance architect named Andrea Palladio. All of classical architecture as we know it today is based on his work ( he used Greek and Roman architecture as a base). Although examples of his work are all over Italy, the city of Vicenza up north has the best collection of his buildings. ( I am an architect, and notice these things!)
In more recent times, a "wordly" person, a friend whose name would not mean anything on this forum; for being such a good friend and helping me to realize that "worldly" people were not what I was taught. It was a catharsis for me, a good little JW pioneer ( raised in the faith) to see that there was an entire world just waiting to be discovered.
I admit it - used to be Princess Diana.
Stacy Smith
My parents are my biggest heros for getting us out of that cult without so much as a glance backwards. A few weeks ago a really nice guy named Brett that I went to school with was killed in Iraq. He's my newest hero.