what i recall from all those years studying about this is the demons sort of have a class system, much as we do. there seem to be demons who are of more importance, and some who possibly might do the lowest thing imagineable, possess a swine.Maybe some demons are princes and some paupers.
Did Jesus REALLY cast demons into swine?
by gumby 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
there seem to be demons who are of more importance, and some who possibly might do the lowest thing imaginable,.... possess a swine.
Yes er eee bob.......that's exactly what I would be doing with all my time if I was a fallen angel with the power they have...........live in a damn pig! Sounds like a blast doesn't it? Jesus wasn't very kind to make all those pigs jump off a cliff ya know.......he could have got his arse sued by the owner and who would have paid the attorney fee's? His buddies were as broke as he was.
Religion evolves every time it gets itself in a corner it can't get out of.
Exactly! Religious beliefs will change but only if they are forced. In addition to your example of evolution (which many christians still do not accept), there's the example of Galileo. He "contradicted the scriptures" by stating that the earth moves around the sun.
Religion uses fear and persecution to suppress "incompatible" viewpoints. It's disgusting.
Religion uses fear and persecution to suppress "incompatible" viewpoints.
Religion.......as far as the Christian religion..........only does what it has learned from the bible. Many are upset with religion, but do not blame it's source. The Christian source was the church heirarchy who tailored made the religion they wanted. For the muslim's, it was Muhammed. It was a man....who influenced other men, who influenced others, and so on in every belief system. Some person......has to start the ball rolling with any religion. It would be intresting to know who came up with the name Jesus.
The Jews wanted a messiah so bad.......they invented one......... but somebody had to give him a name.
Gumby sez:
The Jews wanted a messiah so bad.......they invented one......... but somebody had to give him a name.
It was a Latin couple from Santiago, Chile who came up with the name Jesus -- pronounced "hey-zeus."
Well, I've been reading the book He Came to Set the Captives Free in which a top witch here in the United States was possesed by a demon called Legion, but had 400 under his command. According to the book, Legion was the commander of those other 400 demons in her. I really do believe that Jesus cast out a demon by the name of Legion. Well, i guess that's what faith is, believing without seeing it. I do believe demons exist nowadays, and I do believe Legion is still around...
400 demons eh? Popular lady. She must be a hotty as the demons are sex crazed you know.
Remember it's possible to have a too open a mind and your brain falls out.